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Full Version: General Surgery thread - nothing official about it - csverysoon
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cs thats exactly what i wonder everytime i log on to forum.

dhoni i have mine iv on 4th jan.

so are u done with ur ints cs ?
well we shouldnt be complaining cause we got ourselves into it///
Anway i think med is tough this year too...
no complaints dhoni. just that its so different. ofcourse every year things are getting tighter.
i heard from one pc that most candidates cancel interviews just a day before the interview day. if people considered others and cancelled earlier, many more interviews would have come to people who really need them.
yes csverysoon ,
that is very true .......i interviewed in a university program and some did not turn up......and one jsut came cause he could not attend another interview because of snowstorm ......
can people be so insensitive to others and that too doctors is the question. and the answer probably is yes.
friends a kind request to you all.
always try to be resourceful to people around you whenever and however possible. you dont have to create something new to be resourceful always. most often even saving things can be just as good. we all have to care for others.
Received rejection from University of Minnisota. What is remarkable is the letter in my e-mail gives the e-mail ID of all other candidates also, who have been sent the same e-mail. The list is one page long! The general surgery residency business this year is simply a case of too many candidates chasing too few seats(1:100 or 1:200?). Naturally, a lot of us are going to be disappointed.
dhoni i am not complaining either. things are really tough in all speceilties and they r going to be more and more tough with each passing year. i know by applying to general surgery we already knew that we shall be subjecting ourselves to this torture but its human nature that u feel more pain than anticipated when u are in it.

we have to wait till match day.

i got that email from university of minnesota.
got rejection from st agnes.
Hi, CS, Dhoni, Muzammil,

I have been reading ur msgs since the begining. I applied this year only in general surgery with very good scores[98/98/pass] no usce, no us lor, 2005 grad. can you plz tell me what should i do bcoz i did not get any interviews this year. kindly help me plz.