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Full Version: General Surgery thread - nothing official about it - csverysoon
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hey Guys,
please keep posting on this forum everyday to keep it on the first page list..
Nothing new so far..
Did anyone get a request to fill a supplementary application from Penn State?
I didn't get anything for a week now!!!
please continue further discussions in
hey Hantakla

i agree with you
we should stick to the original thread though
I sincerely agree tht this thread needs to be preserved
hope to do it together.
whats up folks?
I am getting worried, no interviews to date. Is there cause to be concerned or do you think I still have a chance? did you get any interviews in sept last year? I have GC still no interviews, I was told that GC would increase my chances.
Hope you are enjoying your residency.
did you get any more interviews? you have 2 right?
Hey CS
am keeping some low profile these days
trying to study for step 3 also
every day ends up with disappointment
lets see whats in store

Hey Yvonne
I wish your words were true
I dont have two IVs
i just have one from MGH for prelim
and nothing else as ofnow

and how abt others
even others in the forum are quiet these days...

CS - how you doing. the advantage of working is - it helps us to forget the ' WORLD OF MATCHING' little bit.
i am worried
no ivs
rejected today from inova fairfax and spartanburg
the list continous as follows
arkansas uni
saint louis uni
abington, pa

dont worry about not getting interviews in september. most programs would not have even finished reviewing applications plus american graduates apply late unlike us. moreover their mspe is released only by november.

what you can do is slowly start calling places where you think they will give you preference.

i have been through this and i concur that its one of the most anxious moments in life, until the match day. you would probably end up doing nothing in the day except checking mails every 5 to 10 minutes. its really useful to spend time in some work as it takes care of some of the anxiety.

my residency is going on as usual. nothing new though but will be changing rotations in the beginning of the month.

try to make good discussions on the forum guys. it will help to relieve tension as well be useful.
hey IVs so rejections not despair..I think it's too early