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Full Version: OBGYN applicants gather here - meghaww
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I didnt apply at Emory, should I apply there? I hv heard tht its not img friendly...
I think you should.
meghaww....what are your ceredentials, please tell all of us

mine....2007 grad/95/95/pass/no usce/applied to Fm/Im/ob
still waiting.

2006 graduate/ 91/79/pass/ 2 months of observership/ 3 uslors/ 3 abstracts submitted
still waiting........ just got one thanks from emory

applied to obgyn im fm paeds

keep posting any developments
are all ur applications being downloaded by programs already ???????
mine has not been downloaded in many obgyn programs!!!!!!
i think it takes one week for them to download
principito can u please tell us where u got interview last year
hir can i have ur mail id?
ya sure...hirdave7
I interviewed at Mount Sinai, CHicago. My email is
thanks hir and principito
do check ur mails
and keep posting abt ur developments
anyone else for obgyn?????
Mine most of the univ have downloaded but none has got back yet , my 2 LORs r still pending .. but i believe OBGYN is not IBM friendly for applicants who needs visa