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Full Version: OBGYN applicants gather here - meghaww
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got rejection from vanderbilt too
Yes!!!! Iv from Jackson Memorial tooSmile)))
i was beginning to wonder if my eras was not working . i was even looking forward to a rejection just to make sure it was still working but voala.......
iv mount sinai hospital chicago-ob gyn. anyone interviewed, interviewing or know about this program?
theres still hope people!!!!!
good luck to everyone
congrats everyone! so how many interviews does everyone have at this point? we still have lots of places to hear from, right?
Thank you very much nashsc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
i have 3 so far and lots to here esp from tristate area!!!!!!!!!!!!, Texas,PA,IL,MI

good luck

olowo, do you have any specific question about M. Sinai Chicago? I went there last year for IV and I would be more than happy to answer you queries.
iv from West Virginia University,Morgantown. Does anyone have information about this program?
I have 13 iv's so far,but going to cancel 2 iV's from Bronx,NY because of location.
thts gr8 sabo... whts ur credential? u may have posted it before but difficult to search in 72 pages..
principito82 thanks for responding.
could you please tell me how the interview was conducted? where did you stay. what was your personal impression of the interview process and the program as a whole. how did you rank the program and why. what was your impression of the faculty and residents. what is the community where it is located like. did you reapply this year-why or why not???????? will generally appreciate any information you can give me and thanks a bunch
principito where are you?