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Full Version: My journal--Exam on 2nd June! - littledoc123
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Hi everyone..I've been MIA for the past few days. I got an opportunity to volunteer so I wasn't able to stick to my schedule. I might delay my test to July.
Hi Sarahimg, that's a good news. Even I have got something now, but I have committed to some other work from 15th June so I can't extend my dates more. As such I have passed the period of free extension and there are not many dates available..I'm going for two days in a week so I need to cover up with that. Hope everything goes smooth as I have now limited number of days left!!
I am actually reviewing the uw CCS, well...reading the details also but I will start practicing them at the exam page soon.
People are giving this exam in a month time and I started on 16th March..first thing I did was to book dates..So I keep telling this to myself..2 months are about to be over..still have exact 25 days to prepare and I'll try to get this out of my way to focus on other important things! Hope things turn out well...
keloke, are you taking notes out of it or just reading it? what I was thinking was I should take a page and just write orders from whatever I read because there is a lot of explanation in between so when I revise it before day 2, I can just revise it from my notes. I'll be starting UW CCS from today. Till now I have done almost half of mapping, now it's time to combine UW CCS!
Yeah I have a lot of notes from archer so I don't take notes. I just read the case and write on a paper what needs to be done and then read what they did then compare. But on May 19th, I will start doing the uw cases directly on the exam website as Archer did. This will make you familiar with the test since there are lost of orders that you need to know how they come on the test and they can take you time to look at then since there's no pressure you'll be able to do it while studying. The ccs can be a salvation and it's also the only way to get 240 even though few people I know got this score...I wonder if it's because the exam is hard or other reason can be they have not invested that much time like for step 1 since a passing score it's ok. I asked a resident during one of my interviews he said that people need great score if they aim cardio, gi etc because the demands are high. Well I am spending all my free time and part of my sleep time since I work fulltime daily. Let's hope we get great score.
Yes keloke, Let's hope we do well..though I'm giving this exam just for the passing sake..don't need cardio or Score doesn't matter much to me.
Did cardiology block and scored 60%, average is still maintained at 65%
Great! you're doing them by specialty, it's ok but not highly recommended.
I know, but I prefer it this way!!