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Full Version: My journal--Exam on 2nd June! - littledoc123
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I have a kind of weird story..I'm not applying for residency. You can think that I'm just giving it for the sake of completion.
Did a block from UW CK Rheumatology. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
Going to do OBGYN today.
As the days are going by my test averages are getting lower and lower than before. It's freaking me out!
Sarah, even though your test average must be better than the most!

Today I'm up early Smile
Will be stating in 30 min.
Did 1 UW interactive CCS.
Did 1 block from UW CK. Now it's time for lunch.
revised 30 Qs from UW step 3 social science
Did a block from UW step 3. From morning total 110 Qs (just Q-A) Now I can't do any more Qs in today's date.
CCS list:

88. Optic Neuritis
89. Epilepsy