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Full Version: My journal--Exam on 2nd June! - littledoc123
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Please Sarah, try to relax (I'm telling this to myself too). If you read people's experience..they all felt the same way..still they managed to pass and you have got good score in UWSA (unlike me), so you are surely going to pass this test. Take a word from me! Smile
Thank you for the encouragement, littledoc. I really need it. I am feeling terrible but will try to pick myself up and focus on what's coming up instead of dwelling on the past.
Focus on CCS now, it can still save you. whatever done is done, you can't change it.
thank u little doc!
Sarah i m sure u will ace it
so a friend of mine who recently gave and passed the exam told me that u should advance the clock , as in continue, as long as u get something positive. for eg, u put in all the orders for a suspected ovarian torsion patient including doppler usg. so u continue the clock till u get the usg result. and then u stop there, bcoz u need to intervene immediately. and the rest of the results can be checked later. i hope it helps. goodluck to all of u. u r our inspiration!!
I always get less than my UWSA Sad
Thanks fruit_1717. I understood.
Sarahimg, we tend to remember Qs where we struggled the most so we feel we did them all wrong, but there might be Qs we just marked quickly..brezzed through..we will get them right. And though you might get less than UWSA all the time, it still shows you were well prepared. Look at me..I went with the score 201!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks fruit_1717. I am trying not to think about it and focus on CCS.
You are right littledoc. I'm so glad you started this group.
Did 5 interactive cases and made notes from 20 read-out cases. Very depressing day as all I could think of were the Qs I probably got wrong on Day 1 and came across more while reading. Hope tomorrow is better. Hope it's going better for you litttledoc.
I did 12 UW interactive cases.