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Full Version: My journal--Exam on 2nd June! - littledoc123
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congratulations for passing
Hi lil doc I saw you scored 202 on assessment
You ended up 17 points higher

What did you do to increase the score?

Assessment was hard
Hey workhard, I got 201 in UWSA and after that I just read MTB3 and my notes for a week and went for the test!
and yeah, revised biostats too!
Thanks a lot for your response
great journy
good luck to you
Littledoc and sarah, first of all CONGRATULATIONS. pls bestow upon on tht llucl too. Smile

Secondly do either of u suggest Archers? they're a whooping 340 bucks!
Never did Archers and have no idea what it is. In my opinion, Mapping and UWorld CCS (both interactive and read-out cases) are sufficient.
Don't do archer

Horrible recordings... 340 is too much for outdated recordings