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Good morning ,
Bug back , plan for today 12 cranial nerves and their lesions.

Happy study Smile
That's great!!! Welcome back!!!
I am doing respiratory review.
Live and kicking! : )
Let's rock it!
Yup! Lets do this Smile
Olfactory nerve done Smile

Interesting fact ---primary olfactory neuron are continually replaced every 30-120 day. so this is the only neuron with the ability to regenerate.

I will keep posting until the 12 are completed today.

See ya next CN Wink
Still working on CNII , my concentration is poor due to my anxiety , I manged to do eye anatomy and histology of the retina.

I want to share this interesting fact about membrane potential of rods and cones.
Color blindness is more common in male because green and and red gene are located on X chromosome , male have only one X

Blue color gene coded on chromosome 7.

Total loss of rods----night blindness
Total loss of cones --- patient is legally blind
Very interesting
@rush, @zeeviq ,@bugguy
Does anyone know how do we deal with isolated systolic hypertension case? My mother's bp is 160/70-80. Should she be started on anti hypertensives? I consulted one internal medicine doctor who prescribed amlodipone and said she should take it when necessary and not everyday as we can't risk decreasing her diastolic bp . Anyone knows anything more to it ?
@reminemi this is the right Rx