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Hi All ,

how is it going ?
Everyday is a new challenge for me .I feel i am walking on mud .One step forward and I slip two backwards .Haaah! its all good I guess thats how everyone feels at some point ...right ? hopefully ?
@rush you wanted to take your exam early this year right? did you have to pay the fee again ?

@gritthekeytosuccess that was a good formula to memorize .Will try to follow it atleast partially .Thanks .
@bugguy keep going .
@cd4 what stage of prep are you ?
@ zeeviq........I m just in final stage of prep..........exam in july
Friends what is teh best sequence of NBMEs to be taken

@anyone awake ?
Friends what is the best sequence to follow for NBMEs ?


Thankyou and please Smile
ohh sorry sent the message twice , it didnt look like it was sent the first time
When do u think a person should start solving offline nbmes ? I mean can a student do this even in the half way journey of preparation ?
@bugguy, zeeviq, Rush, cd4, cvd , asaha and all friends !

Plz suggest that if I'm hoping to take exam in the slot of aug-sep, when should I start solving OFFLINE and ONLIne nbmes . Thanku !
Hi everybody!!

@zeeviq, I personally think that NBME 15, 16, and 17 should be done later, leaving 17 for the last one to be done. If someone can only afford some of them, then I would advise to pick the newest ones; but considering doing all the NBMEs, It's a good start doing one of the earliest ones 11, 12, and 13 online; there is no specific order, they are fair and there is no such thing like one being harder than the other, cause it will depend on you, and your weaknesses, so any one of them is good to start, online and with expanded feedback.

The offline NBMEs are not assessment, they are training questions, some people choose to face them before any online, some other later after some online and before the last and newest ones; it really depends on you. But again they are not assessment, even if you use those formulas to calculate score, it will not be accurate, and you will never know what the really thing would have been; so, don't take conclusions about performance based only in offline NBMEs; only online can give you score correlation.

@reminemi, I used NBME all along my preparation, I took NBME7 online before starting prep, so, I am one of those persons that face them to guide me on my studies not to see if I am ready; (that's because I am old! Not a fresh student or graduate) so, I think once you have done all the reading, at least one pass through all the subjects and you have completed a full Qbank, one or two times FA, then you should take an NBME.

Hope it helps!
GL! : )

@zeeviq about my extension, I had picked feb-mar-apr, then extended may-jun-july, so I paid the US$70 fee for the extension.

@cd4, I don't have a proper schedule for these last months, really; I am doing questions and a lot of review; I still have NBME 16 and 17 to do!

@bugguy, @gritty how are you doing?

See you later on Smile

@ rush thankyou for your advice .