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Doing endocrine UW...Love it.
Where is every one ???

Mass suicide????????
Still alive !!!!!
Good morning everyone.

@bugguy no idea about others but I am alive :-P
Done with moving. I am back to studies from today again. I will post with my updates in the evening and from tomorrow I will post after I finish each section of my study.

Really, where is everyone?
Already in Christmas celebrations?

Hi cvd and focus, I am glad that you both alive and well , lets survive the holidays, today I worked 2 hr in the the clinic as volunteer MA , planning to go home and study the upper limb anatomy , I will post as soon as I finished. Gl
Alive here as well, felt v down past 2 days, I have to make a habit to go 1,5h every day OUTSIDE and breath, see people, bc is v counterproductive to ONLY study! so from tday every day 1.5/2h max. OUTSIDE, breath, run errands, gym time, SOMETHG to feel alive and energized to kill that UW!!!
Doing CNS Goljan today along w CNS patho FA.
Hi guys , slowly treading along.
Started with FA .Done with pharmacology and pathology from FA .Plan to do a strong read of FA this month .

Did endocrine from FA, that's all till now. Probably will read something after an hour
Good morning guys.... Where is everyone?
Rush, zeeviq, remineni, asaha, gritty,focus , luckyflower?
Did I miss anyone, if yes ,sorry.
Even you didn't post anything today bugguy.
I am starting with WBC disorders from goljan
Hi there!

I had to turn off a bit, I was really anxious.
Feeling better today.
I am doing Micro review through previously marked questions.
Hope you are all fine!
Let's move!! : )