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Hi asaha ,

Use dependence is: more effect of the drug with more usage .Na channel is in 3 states >> resting , active and inactive ( resting and inactive are different).Rapidly depolarizing tissue spends more time in active and inactive states .
This is a good thing as long as we are trying to control arrythmia .However , in IC drugs ( flecainide aka passport to heaven ) it becomes a proarrythmic effect because drug is slow to dissociate from the channel which can slow the HR to the extent that it even exceeds the refractory period and in that case another action potential will be generated >>long story short >>arrythmia.
@zeeviq thank you so much for the explanation

Good morning everyone

Plan for today:
1 block UW revision( I have 5 q from yesterday's block as well)
2 chapters from pathoma
1 chapter goljan( I didn't do this yesterday)
Finishing micro from FA( yesterday's pending study) and starting immuno
Few Kaplan videos

Will post here with progress

Happy studying guys

Guys do you have a good methodology to memorize nephrotic and nephritic syndrmes? Please give your tips and tricks may be something will click in my mind too.
@zeeviq , I had hard time with nephritic and nephrotic syndrome , so I tried to make it fun , I googled the histopathology picture of each type then I printed and made for my self small histopathology atlas with small notes on each picture , it takes time but by the end it stick to my mind . I don't recommend this but my massage is try to create what ever work for you

Try to Google IMAGE nephritic vs nephrotic syndrome. You will find a lot of fun pic will help your memory .

Hello everyone
How come no one is posting anything here?
People like me need continuous motivation
Hi cvd it almost mid night, I want to study , if you awake lets motivate each other
Its still 9.45 for me, I will be awake for some more time
Still I have a lot of pending plans since yesterday Sad
Me too, not able to reach my everyday targets. I just wanna finish this exam by jan end.
Hi guys,

I am still here! finishing some stuff…

keep the hard work! : )