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Full Version: SOAP Call update here - applebbpie99
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@ arta can u tell us what did they ask on phone in Iv questions
lets hope for the best! even if they are going to call one single person! gl
@ Arta; Could you please tell the speciality? If you dont mind
first got the email, and now im scheduled for tele-interview this afternoon with 3 IM programs.
i didnt match in im this creds are 239/254/cs pass 1st attampt,1 mnth clinical experience in cleveland clinic.,yog dec 2010.need visa.applied in gyne n obs in soap..didnt have lors from gynae obs.just uploaded a new there any chance for me in it..
Caribbean IMG, 83/80/pass first attempt, no research and very minimal extracurricular activities. US citizen
good morning all..well here we go again..interesting..had some downloads at 8am and last night at11pm...praying for all of us...
just one person Ived me, just afew Qs like " what are u doing since graduation, why this program, are u really interested, why didn't you match, tell me about yourself, ..)
@ arta; could you please tell about the speciality?
me too praying for all... lets hope we all get call/calls today...