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Full Version: SOAP Call update here - applebbpie99
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no call or email ............
is that bad Omen ?????????????????????????????????????????????
hey, where is applebbpie99? the one who started this thread... Smile
Some are making fun overhere
I luved dradi's post about he PD calling upp to inform him that they will not be filling up unfilled position. I hope he calls up every single person who has applied for that pos and inform the candidate in all fairness, that will keep him busy.
See, I was blissfully unaware that program's will start calling yesterday.SO I saved myself some grief, I have all the time in the world to sleep as this was an exclusive day, but in anticipation of the call and not to sound sleepy I was avoiding, which I am goingg to do now. It seems from the posts out here that post match SOAP is done, and who got calls did yesterday or early am today. Atleast, NRMP and ERAS didn't charge for it, or they would have swindled good 500$ per resident as we are all desperatte.So that is what I am focusing on now. Well, GL evryone. Hopefully we will all get calls as per my anticipation and i.e after 12 pm EST and we will all be happy!!!!!!!!
no call, no email.
is there any chance with out call or email? killing me, going to sucide, worthless to survive. is there any god in this planet. no faith at all.
I donot count on the SOAP i applied just because it is free and if it was going to cost me 1$ i wont apply !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im going to wait a couple more hours then phuk this and go do something else.
I doubt they will offer positions without an interview. But who knows. This whole process is strange.
Is it possible to get offer without any telephonic interview
I am calls/emails

I think its time to move on since most of the programs would have already finalized candidates for interviews.