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Full Version: Neurology 2010-2011 - neuroguru
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hi everyone. i just had to clarify regarding the ranking of neurology categorical [4 year]programs.
do we have to rank the prelim program in that hospital seperately in supplemental list or do we need to just rank the neurology program? kindly clarify
Thanks neuroguru for ur reply.To be frank,I m totally not stressed at all,coz I wanted to jus give a try this year as I very well knew my chances are slim if I get my ck in the middle of November.Happy that I got atleast 5 ivs..My only worry is I don t want to regret later on if I do preliminary and then have difficulty in finding a neuro position later on...Thanks for all ur help..Wish u good luck in this match!
For WSU/DMC: other then transitional prog, shud we rank other prelim prog??
Chances at Stonybrook, NY Neuro?

What are my chances of matching at Stonybrook, NY?? I am a non Caribbean, USC IMG currently doing prelim 1 yr IM residency. I saw that a lot of residents at Stonybrook are from Caribbean with Internship in US. So, is this internship -- like the 2 yr clinical rotations the Caribb residents have here in the US . Or does it include any prelim residency also?

I am actually very undecided between Neuro and IM as I have also applied for IM. I am not sure which one to rank higher. Obviously, I feel Stonybrook neuro is very very tough but atleast I have a shot and am debating whether to rank Neuro higher than IM.
What are emergency we usually get in nEUro other then stroke and epilesy??

@shift: If u like stony brook then u shud rank it high....dont look at what are your chances of getting matched...they asked for IV so u hv equal chance... but also see where u ll be more happy whether in neuro or IM? U gonna practice IM /neuro ur whole life so go with ur interest...GL
Thanks Prep4u for the reply. Yes-- that is my main dilemma. Whether to rank IM higher or Neuro higher??
Dont have much feedback on these choices from my faculty at my current hospital. SO , I am really not sure. Dont want to commit a mistake and then regret all my life thinking 'what if'.
Any folks here given interview at arkansas(littlerock)
rank these neuro for me..last min confusion..

no visa hassal,intersted in neuro critical care.....

1.u conn
2.u tennnesee
3.u of texas-galveston
4.u arizona
6.u arkansa
Univ of AZ are not big with NICU, they don't even have one! not sure about the rest though.