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Full Version: Neurology 2010-2011 - neuroguru
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congrats dude. can u pls share ur credentials wid us?
@ neuroguru.

m not interested in IM... applied as a backup...

iv wayne state !!
congrats on IV nitin!
m also waiting for confirmation from UT Houston...
thanks buddy..
congrats nitin..15 ivs till now!u r really rocking it man!
@chetan1 my creds are 99/94/pass/2 months elective/2 months obsie/nearly 1 year research in India/3 posters in international conferences/3 papers under review/3 US Lors/2009 Grad/need visa
I am hoping for a call from wayne state!Sad
Out of context

Tatas have donated 50 million USD to Harvard and those guys dont even call indians for interviews. Misery.
@nitin in how much time did u reply to their email?
Drexel Uni Rej
@neuromypassion. Can you list out what iv and rejections you have.. if you dont mind.