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Full Version: Neurology 2010-2011 - neuroguru
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my yog is 2007
any of you guys know anything about u of kentucky or u of arkansas?
What do u want to know abt those programs?
are they good? hehe or any input from residents you know there if they like it or not? the fellowship opportunities etc
While I haven't applied to both of those programs, I will get back to you if they have fellowships. I will let someone else answer the question about how good the programs are, since I don't know about those program because I didn't apply there.
Hey friends saw the thread today..
my IVs and rejections so far....
UI peoria, ut hous, suny downstate, U missouri, U nebraska, madison, u oklahoma
MCW, michigan ann harbor, U mary, Wake forest, UT san antonio, south alabama, u virginia, u colarado..

i will probably meet many of you girls and guys during ivs.

- SR
Hey swathi, welcome! During the season, many of us will probably cross paths with each other. Hope to make friends from here!
Hi Neuroguru!! yup... i was glad to see this thread. Thanks for starting neurology thread. this is a great idea.
@ latinmed - did you get confirmation from them about the IV date... I haven't
which one better to cancel texas galveston or texas houston both gave me the same date to interview...cant negotiate the date.....