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Full Version: Neurology 2010-2011 - neuroguru
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Need ur thoughts about MCW , KU and AZ , im thinking MCW as they have the largest no. of faculty and diversity , any input?
How many Neuro IVs u had Smartneuro?
hey guys inputs over Allegheny General Hospital would be how is the prog...where to rank....i know its difficult to say without comparision between other progrms...but still any input wuld b appreciated
@smartneuro I did liked MCW but a little cold.

any input on beth israel hospital in NY? anyone IVed there?
@jvs84, good luck to you buddy! All the best for the match.
@prep, there are many more emergencies in Neuro than stroke and epilepsy. There is status epi, anoxic encephalopathy, neuro trauma, and so many more.
@ohare, I don’t think University of Texas-Galveston has an NICU.

@smartneuro, buddy, sorry can’t help with the progs list except Univ of Arizona, which I interviewed at.
pls if anyone can give any input regarding Allegheny General hospital, it will be highly appreciated!!!...
@ guru , so what do u think over all of U of AZ , i wasn't sure if i rank it with UPH or UA more than UPH , it was confusing ? Also do u put it as high in list. i is braking me really as i plan to rank it higher than UT Sad(((( just becos it is categorical Sad(
@neuroitis, I would have been happy to help you if I had any input, but unfortunately, I don't know anything about that program. Friends, help him/her out.