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Full Version: Neurology 2010-2011 - neuroguru
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rejection from Mayo clinic.
It's quiet here today...
silence from my side after few nice rejections!!! @ guru , general info on UW and the training program ,i heard it is very nice place and good program.
University of Washington, Seattle is one of the best centers for most specialties. I was there in 2008 for Clinical rotation and they were all AMGs( In Neurology) and were from very good universities like U Penn, U of M, Rush, UW. But, it is always good to try to better places-you never know.
@botoxbeauty , thank you , i actually mean university of Wisconsin.
Rej - mayo, rochester & univ of arkansas
Rej - UW .... 2-3 rejections everyday for the last 3-4 days... looks like oct. is the peak rej season
Agreed prash, there have been rejections coming from everywhere now, and no IV's are being offered right now (maybe because they are waiting for MSPE on Nov 1 now and we may see a second wave then?)

When people were referring to the tsunami, I didn't know it meant tsunami of rejections in Oct, lol
arkansis sending reh to IMg is quite bizarre!! what do you say neuroguru. Is ti time to wrap up neuromatch so early this year?