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Full Version: Neurology 2010-2011 - neuroguru
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dunno whether i shud have called or not!also called utsw, dallas..its in the process of review.
they told me on the phone..u have not been selected for an iv "at this time"!
Neuromypassion, when did you apply to UTSW (was it Sept 1 or some other time)?
sep 1..what do u think guys shud we call or not?
Well, you might still be on hold who knows? I got a flat rejection from them yesterday, and if you were rejected then they would have sent you rejection too in my opinion. So they might have put you in another pile for review at a later time (just a guess).
I don't plan to call anyone (not at least at this time anyway). If anyone does call, let us know what happens please.
i asked them that is there a possibility that I can hear from them in the future if they consider my application..he said yes!but i dont have ne hopes Sad
Sorry to hear that buddy, but there is always hope (I'm an optimist by nature).
so what is the right time to call in ur opinion..late nov or early dec.?
I don't really know buddy. I think I will decide when I get to Nov and Dec.