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Full Version: Neurology 2010-2011 - neuroguru
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It does seem today has been a busy day, specially after the afternoon Smile
@guru.. i really hope so man. UT-is my favorite program.
as it is scheduled for Dec , i will give them a call later this week and see if they open new spots or something , and tell them the situation. i wonder if it is wise though to tell them u can't attend this interview cos u have to go to another one!
Hey buddy, like I said, I'm hoping that you will get that IV worked out for you! UT Houston is a great program from what I know! Well, if you can't re-arrange the other one, then the best option in my opinion is to see if you can re-arrange the Houston to another date. I know they might be full, but you never know when a date opens up. Of course, schools know that you are interviewing at multiple places (that should be obvious). I will give you my OPINION: While on one hand, it is probably wise to tell them that you have another scheduled interview that day that you cannot re-arrange bc of date, so that way you are giving them a valid reason to ask for another date (otherwise what other reason will you give them?), at the same time, it can be taken in a negative way too (so it's a double edged sword). Good luck buddy!
@ smartneuro...Thanks buddy..

@neuroguru...u will definitely get good calls dude...still long way to go Smile)
hey guys, those of you who got calls from UT houston, did you get confirmation mails about the IV date
not yet...still waiting..
they gave me one option anyway , so i think it is.

congrats on ur ivs. can u pls share ur credentials wid us.

@chethan 96/98/pass/95/3 months observership/1.5 yr research/3us lors/3publications in peer reviewed journal/2008 yog.

I have a question. dont laugh ppl. what documents should i carry with me for the interviews??
Can anyone please tell me how many residency positions are there in George Washington University ,DC ? .