Finally, the weeks of silence and rejections has been broken!!! Invite from Rush University...which is awesome since I'm currently in Chicago!
*Albany MCP: happy_doctor
*Albert Einstein: acetate
*Ball Memorial: shattered
*Berkshire: icc
*BWH: dreamgirl
*Boston University: dreamgirl, ustmd2006, patho79
*Brown: acetate
*Case Medical Center-Cleveland: H2k, acetate
*Cedars Sinai: patho79
*Conemaugh: churg, 3649736, path_dream
*Danbury CT: shattered, dreamgirl, churg, jok, ion, dowite
*Drexel: ustmd2006, 3649736, patho79
*Emory: icc
*East Tennessee U: Jok
*Georgetown UH: dr_2008, sad_doctor,patho79
*Henry Ford: swiss, steal5, patho79, icc, h2k, shattered, drsh, dowite
*Howard U: dumbme, dowite
*Jackson Memorial-Miami : patho79, dreamgirl
*Loyola: oxygen
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: ustmd2006, maroc
*Mayo: dreamgirl
*MCW: Brownie
*MGH: dowite
*MUSC: Jok
*Northwestern Chicago: happy_doctor
*NYU: ion
*Rush University: ustmd2006
*St. Joseph at Phonix, AZ: 3649736
*SUNY-Stone Brook: happy_doctor
*SUNY Upstate - Syracuse: churg, Jok
*SUNY Downstate : 3649736
*Texas Methodist: dumbme, dowite
*Tufts-Baystate: dreamgirl, churg, h2k, 3649736, sad_doctor, shattered
*Tufts- NEMC (Boston): dreamgirl, bantibanda, patho79
*U at Buffalo: dreamgirl, patho79, Jok
*U of Cincinnati: Brownie, acetate
*UCI: oxygen
*U Florida-Jacksonville: patho79, ion, kos, Brownie
*U of Illinois: Jok
*U Indiana: path08, H2k
*U Kansas: Jok
*U of Kentucky (Louisville): Jok
*U Maryland: acetate, Jok
*U Mass: dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*UMDNJ-newark: patho79, icc, dowite
*UMDNJ Robert Wood (New Brunswick): Jok, dowite
*U Minnesota: Brownie, dreamgirl, churg, Jok
*U Nebraska: happy_doctor, 3649736
*U New Mexico: churg, patho79, Brownie
*U Pittsburgh MC: kos, shattered, dowite
*U South Florida, Tampa: patho79
*U TN-Memphis: dreamgirl, churg, steal5, rajgopalmehta, msn1998, kingfisher, 3649736, happy_doctor, drsh, bantibanda, acetate, dowite
*Vanderbilt: dreamgirl, acetate
*Washington U: kos, acetate
*Wayne State University: dreamgirl, pathman1, acetate
*West Virginia U: happy_doctor
*Yale: Magician
*Alabama Baptist: Jok
*BWH: churg, rajgopalmehta, oxygen, h2k, patho79, happy_doctor, Brownie, acetate
*Cleveland Clinic: H2k, Path08, kos, dumbme, rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, 3649736, ustmd2006, icc, dowite
*Dartmouth: path08, 3649736, dreamgirl, icc
*Duke - ustmd2006, happy_doctor, brownie, oxygen, dreamgirl, acetate, dowite
*East Tennessee U: dr_2008, h2k
*Emory: acetate, bantibanda, dowite, Jok
*Indiana U: steal5, swiss, patho79, icc, markwang, kos, 3649736, sad_doctor, ustmd2006, Brownie, acetate, dowite, Jok
*Loyola: dreamgirl, happy_doctor, acetate, h2k, markwang, ustmd2006
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: rajgopalmehta, h2k, pathmatch
*Mayo: koil, happy_doctor, dowite
*MGH: oxygen, happy_doctor, patho79, kos, dreamgirl, bantibanda, acetate, Jok
*Mount Sinai (NY): oxygen, ion, pato79, ustmd2006, happy_doctor, kos, dreamgirl, bantibanda, acetate
*MUSC: dreamgirl,dr_2008, icc, reza-p, kos, 3649736, path08, nami
*Northwestern: oxygen, Jok, kos, patho79, dreamgirl
*Ohio State University: happy_doctor, ustmd2006
*Oregon health and science: patho79, pathmatch
*Penrose St Francis (Colorado): Jok
*Presbyterian-Columbia: 3649736
*Presbyterian-Cornell: dreamgirl, churg, azygous, markwang, reza_p, patho79, h2k, happy_doctor, 3649736, acetate, dowite
*Saint John: happy_doctor
*Thomas Jefferson: oxygen, path08, 3649736
*Tufts- NEMC (Boston): kos, ustmd2006
*U at Buffalo: happy_doctor, ion
*U Colorado: kos, patho79, pathmatch, Jok
*UCLA: patho79
*UCSD: patho79, oxygen
*UCSF: patho79
*U Florida-Jacksonville: pathmatch, happy_doctor, h2k, waterfl
*U of Iowa: dreamgirl, dowite
*U of Kentucky (Lexington): icc, Jok, bantibanda
*U Minnesota: rajgopalmehta, h2k, icc, happy_doctor, acetate
*UMDNJ Robert Wood: path08, 3649736, scoobydo
*U New Mexico: w4c3
*UNC: patho79, dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*U Penn : oxygen
*UPMC: bantibanda, happy_doctor, acetate, dreamgirl, patho79, ustmd2006, acetate
*U Rochester : happy_doctor
*USD:dr_2008, dumbme, happy_doctor, 3649736, Jok
*U South Florida: Brownie,
*U South Florida (Temple): markwang
*U Texas A&M: rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, churg, jameswhite, 3649736
*U Texas branch: oxygen
*U Texas-San Antonio: 3649736 (on hold)
*U Texas Southwestern: oxygen, icc, markwang, kos, path08, dreamgirl, rajgopalmehta, acetate, dowite
*U Texas-Houston-oxygen
*U Tennessee (Knoxville) Jok
*U Washington patho79, patho8, Jok, markwang
*U Wisconsin: happy_doctor, Jok, markwang
*Vanderbilt: markwang, dowite
*Washington hospital (DC): oxygen, pathmatch, dreamgirl
*Wayne state: oxygen, h2k, happy_doctor, dowite
*Yale: dreamgirl,oxygen, dowite, acetate
Finally, the weeks of silence and rejections has been broken!!! Invite from Rush University...which is awesome since I'm currently in Chicago!
*Albany MCP: happy_doctor
*Albert Einstein: acetate
*Ball Memorial: shattered
*Berkshire: icc
*BWH: dreamgirl
*Boston University: dreamgirl, ustmd2006, patho79
*Brown: acetate
*Case Medical Center-Cleveland: H2k, acetate
*Cedars Sinai: patho79
*Conemaugh: churg, 3649736, path_dream
*Danbury CT: shattered, dreamgirl, churg, jok, ion, dowite
*Drexel: ustmd2006, 3649736, patho79
*Emory: icc
*East Tennessee U: Jok
*Georgetown UH: dr_2008, sad_doctor,patho79
*Henry Ford: swiss, steal5, patho79, icc, h2k, shattered, drsh, dowite
*Howard U: dumbme, dowite
*Jackson Memorial-Miami : patho79, dreamgirl
*Loyola: oxygen
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: ustmd2006, maroc
*Mayo: dreamgirl
*MCW: Brownie
*MGH: dowite
*MUSC: Jok
*Northwestern Chicago: happy_doctor
*NYU: ion
*Rush University: ustmd2006
*St. Joseph at Phonix, AZ: 3649736
*SUNY-Stone Brook: happy_doctor
*SUNY Upstate - Syracuse: churg, Jok
*SUNY Downstate : 3649736
*Texas Methodist: dumbme, dowite
*Tufts-Baystate: dreamgirl, churg, h2k, 3649736, sad_doctor, shattered, Maroc
*Tufts- NEMC (Boston): dreamgirl, bantibanda, patho79
*U at Buffalo: dreamgirl, patho79, Jok
*U of Cincinnati: Brownie, acetate
*UCI: oxygen
*U Florida-Jacksonville: patho79, ion, kos, Brownie
*U of Illinois: Jok
*U Indiana: path08, H2k
*U Kansas: Jok
*U of Kentucky (Louisville): Jok
*U Maryland: acetate, Jok
*U Mass: dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*UMDNJ-newark: patho79, icc, dowite
*UMDNJ Robert Wood (New Brunswick): Jok, dowite, Maroc
*U Minnesota: Brownie, dreamgirl, churg, Jok
*U Nebraska: happy_doctor, 3649736
*U New Mexico: churg, patho79, Brownie, Maroc
*U Pittsburgh MC: kos, shattered, dowite
*U South Florida, Tampa: patho79
*U TN-Memphis: dreamgirl, churg, steal5, rajgopalmehta, msn1998, kingfisher, 3649736, happy_doctor, drsh, bantibanda, acetate, dowite
*Vanderbilt: dreamgirl, acetate
*Washington U: kos, acetate
*Wayne State University: dreamgirl, pathman1, acetate
*West Virginia U: happy_doctor
*Yale: Magician
*Alabama Baptist: Jok, Maroc
*BWH: churg, rajgopalmehta, oxygen, h2k, patho79, happy_doctor, Brownie, acetate
*Cleveland Clinic: H2k, Path08, kos, dumbme, rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, 3649736, ustmd2006, icc, dowite
*Dartmouth: path08, 3649736, dreamgirl, icc
*Duke - ustmd2006, happy_doctor, brownie, oxygen, dreamgirl, acetate, dowite, Maroc
*East Tennessee U: dr_2008, h2k
*Emory: acetate, bantibanda, dowite, Jok, Maroc
*Indiana U: steal5, swiss, patho79, icc, markwang, kos, 3649736, sad_doctor, ustmd2006, Brownie, acetate, dowite, Jok
*Loyola: dreamgirl, happy_doctor, acetate, h2k, markwang, ustmd2006
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: rajgopalmehta, h2k, pathmatch
*Mayo: koil, happy_doctor, dowite
*MGH: oxygen, happy_doctor, patho79, kos, dreamgirl, bantibanda, acetate, Jok
*Mount Sinai (NY): oxygen, ion, pato79, ustmd2006, happy_doctor, kos, dreamgirl, bantibanda, acetate
*MUSC: dreamgirl,dr_2008, icc, reza-p, kos, 3649736, path08, nami, Maroc
*Northwestern: oxygen, Jok, kos, patho79, dreamgirl
*Ohio State University: happy_doctor, ustmd2006
*Oregon health and science: patho79, pathmatch
*Penrose St Francis (Colorado): Jok
*Presbyterian-Columbia: 3649736
*Presbyterian-Cornell: dreamgirl, churg, azygous, markwang, reza_p, patho79, h2k, happy_doctor, 3649736, acetate, dowite
*Saint John: happy_doctor
*Thomas Jefferson: oxygen, path08, 3649736
*Tufts- NEMC (Boston): kos, ustmd2006
*U at Buffalo: happy_doctor, ion
*U Colorado: kos, patho79, pathmatch, Jok
*UCLA: patho79
*UCSD: patho79, oxygen
*UCSF: patho79, Maroc
*U Florida-Jacksonville: pathmatch, happy_doctor, h2k, waterfl
*U of Iowa: dreamgirl, dowite
*U of Kentucky (Lexington): icc, Jok, bantibanda
*U Minnesota: rajgopalmehta, h2k, icc, happy_doctor, acetate
*UMDNJ Robert Wood: path08, 3649736, scoobydo
*U New Mexico: w4c3
*UNC: patho79, dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*U Penn : oxygen
*UPMC: bantibanda, happy_doctor, acetate, dreamgirl, patho79, ustmd2006, acetate
*U Rochester : happy_doctor
*USD:dr_2008, dumbme, happy_doctor, 3649736, Jok
*U South Florida: Brownie, Maroc
*U South Florida (Temple): markwang
*U Texas A&M: rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, churg, jameswhite, 3649736
*U Texas branch: oxygen
*U Texas-San Antonio: 3649736 (on hold)
*U Texas Southwestern: oxygen, icc, markwang, kos, path08, dreamgirl, rajgopalmehta, acetate, dowite, Maroc
*U Texas-Houston-oxygen
*U Tennessee (Knoxville) Jok
*U Washington patho79, patho8, Jok, markwang
*U Wisconsin: happy_doctor, Jok, markwang
*Vanderbilt: markwang, dowite, Maroc
*Washington hospital (DC): oxygen, pathmatch, dreamgirl
*Wayne state: oxygen, h2k, happy_doctor, dowite
*Yale: dreamgirl,oxygen, dowite, acetate, Maroc