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Full Version: pathology interveiw thread - happy_doctor
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ok, pathmatch, got you.

But, we have to wait until the end to see the champions..

I didn't know one could be " too young" for a program...

and I don't feel I can compete with AMGs.. no way.

I'm again disappointed.... another quiet boring day. I thought this week would be fun, bah.

It's 3 o'clock now.

Why don't a inteview come just to save this long weekend?
My guess of the situation is like this. The programs who are willing to accept IMG have sent out enough interviews and want to save some spots for AMG. The programs want AMG are busying with inviting AMGs. So it is quiet for IMG from both kinds of programs. We need to wait for the programs to finish inviting AMGs and hope for the spots left or declined later this month or next month.
Added to this is the fact that many programs have not started sending invitations yet!


Well, I'm considering getting into a BZD continuous drip and ask someone to turn it off only when an invitation comes to my mailbox!

Can't stand this waiting anymore...

It seems you are well prepared for your interviews. If I were you, I would be so busy with preparing for inteviews and forget time is passing fast. you only need to pin down the harvard one. You don't need bother with other interviews.
Rejection from BWH 2 seconds ago.4/16pm.
We have undertaken a detailed review of your ERAS application for a position in our Pathology Residency Program beginning in July 2008.
I regret that we will not be able to further consider your candidacy. Unfortunately, we are able to interview only a small fraction of the several hundred well-qualified applicants to our program each year.
Thank you very much for your interest in the Brigham and Women's Hospital. We wish you the best future success.
Gayle L. Winters, M.D.
Director, Pathology Residency Training Program
I hate them to send rejections on friday afternoon!!
Hi, Oxygen,
I just got the same message from BWH, the subject of email is "No Interview at Brigham and Women's Hospital"

direct and cruel!!!
yeah, that's what I got. I bet it is the same email.