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hey guys this is really wierd , I am starting to worry because I have not gotten an invite from baystate..
when did you guys apply to this program? cause I think I applied to baystate a little bit later than my other ones. I think it was late sep.
i don't think dreamgirl is leaving us...this thread wouldn't be the same! there are probably some things she'd rather discuss privately.

anyway, keep your phones available and handy at all times guys! mine ran out of battery today and i just re-opened it now to find a very pleasant message from a program!

adding LSUHSC! the week is turning around for the better!

*Albany MCP: happy_doctor
*Ball Memorial: shattered
*Berkshire: icc
*BWH: dreamgirl
*Boston University: dreamgirl, ustmd2006, patho79
*Case medical center cleveland: H2k
*Cedars Sinai: patho79
*Danbury CT: shattered
*Drexel: ustmd2006, 3649736, patho79
*Emory: icc
*Georgetown UH: dr_2008, sad_doctor
*Henry Ford: swiss, steal5, patho79, icc, h2k, shattered
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: ustmd2006
*Jackson memorial-Miami : patho79, dreamgirl
*SUNY-Stone Brook: happy_doctor
*Texas Methodist: dumbme
*Tufts-Baystate: dreamgirl, churg, h2k, 3649736, sad_doctor, shattered
*U at Buffalo: dreamgirl
*U of Cincinnati: brownie
*U Florida Jacksonville: patho79
*University of Indiana: path08, H2k
* UMass: dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*U Minnesota: brownie
*U Nebraska: happy_doctor, 3649736
*U New Mexico: churg, patho79, Brownie
*U Pittsburgh MC: kos, shattered
*U TN-Memphis: dreamgirl, churg,steal5, rajgopalmehta, msn1998, kingfisher, 3649736
*Vanderbilt: dreamgirl
*West Virginia U: happy_doctor
*Yale: Magician


*BWH: churg, rajgopalmehta, oxygen, h2k, patho79, happy_doctor, Brownie
*Cleveland Clinic: H2k, Path08, kos, dumbme, rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, 3649736, ustmd2006
*Dartmouth: path08, 3649736, dreamgirl
*Duke - ustmd2006, happy_doctor, Brownie
*East Tennessee U: dr_2008, h2k
*Indiana: steal5, swiss, patho79, icc, markwang, kos, 3649736, sad_doctor, ustmd2006
*LSUHSC-Shreveport LA: rajgopalmehta, h2k, pathmatch
*Mayo: koil, happy_doctor
*MUSC: dreamgirl,dr_2008, icc, reza-p, kos, 3649736, path08, nami
*Presbyterian-Columbia: 3649736
*Presbyterian-Cornell: dreamgirl, churg, azygous, markwang, reza_p, patho79, h2k, happy_doctor, 3649736
*Saint John: happy_doctor
*Thomas Jefferson: oxygen, path08, 3649736
*U at Buffalo: happy_doctor
*UCSF: patho79
*U Florida Jacksonville: pathmatch, happy_doctor, h2k, waterfl,
*U Minnesota: rajgopalmehta, h2k
*UMDNJ Robert Wood: path08, 3649736, scoobydo, 3649736
*USD:dr_2008, dumbme, happy_doctor, 3649736
* US-FLORIDA: Brownie
*U Texas A&M: rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, churg, jameswhite, 3649736
*U Texas branch:oxygen
*U Texas-San Antonio: 3649736 (on hold)
*U Texas Southwestern: oxygen, icc, markwang, kos, path08, dreamgirl, rajgopalmehta
*U Wiscousin: happy_doctor
*Vanderbilt: markwang
ok, I'm here my friend;
my credentials; low 80s in both, cs pass all first attempts, 2 years us research experience,no phd GC applied to 35 path programs
rejections: indiana, Darthmoth, wisconsin,MUSC, NO IV, one onhold ( most probably rej) from henry Ford
No, I'm not leaving!! How come I would leave those who support me to go through all this stress!

Path 79, you are invited to address me privite inquiries. There are some issues I would not like to reveal in public. Regarding Baystate.. these things are weird... as for me, why I haven't received invitation from Henry Ford when most of you with similar creds have??? Don't know...

Muroc and Lucifer, I am very glad you have joined us!

Im flattered by your comment ustmd2006... thanks! Smile

Now, I'm going to sleep - no sleep, no dreams...

good night
Lucifer... it's tough, I know... stay on the track, don't loose hope. Pathology is very competitive but chances are they will call more and more applicants when the AMGs start cancelling their interviews...
Lucifer99, I totally believe that you should go apply more programs. Your credentials are average, yet from your rejections, it looks like you applied to a lot of highly competitive university programs, which may have taken slots from many of your 35 programs. With this kind of application, you ran a high risk of not matching. You should add more middle-tier and some low-tier programs NOW. Some programs haven't sent out many invitations yet, and you still have some chance. If you wait any longer, it maybe too late. Sorry for being blunt, but I think that's the reality.
It's true... why has you Lucifer applied for only 35 programs?? Haven't noticed that...
hi dreamgirl,

I am more than happy to contribute to the forum. It's just that I dont have anything specific to say right now. I am waiting for IV's and wondering if i should apply to more programs fearing that I may have missed the bus!!
well atleast i shud'nt b lying at all...
but still if u think so then wat can i do...i dnt have strong grounds as dream girl has...yes dream girl a strong candidate like u can always raise the voice if sum1 accuses u of lying...but luck has not been very kind to me...anyways apart from all thjat self pity.. won't say anythjing except that i've already flunked my cs and i too was surprised to get a call from them...thru an email...i dint reply to them...shud i?
and i'm not taking any of my interviews...and have quitted from the match already...
this was the email i got....
"Hello, you have been selected to interview with us. Please give me a call as
soon as possible with respect to your availability to interview at a day and
time which is mutually beneficial.

Jeanne Giuliano
Residency Coordinator"
well if u dnt believe...i cant do anything bout it...
'm already shatteredWink

plus this interview thread does'nt bother me at all now...
i'm now a silent spectator...want to c happy_doctor getting an excellent residency prog.coz next yr i'll b in similar situation......
well if sum1 can pinpoint bout danbury...then i shud also point out that plz do add me in inteviews at st.john...
that i already was scheduled on 27th nov.
goodluck to u all...may u all get matched...
and happy_doctor specialrayers for uSmile