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Full Version: pathology interveiw thread - happy_doctor
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and i got rejection from Ball memorial munice..."second time"...they are making it very very sure that they will not take me !!
and two more interveiws from Hartford and St Luke's Roosevelt...any body knows about how are the programmes...i belive both of them are community programmes affiliated to universities..please let me know if some one knows about them?
so guys...hang on!!! season is still going on
congrats, happy_doc, wish more ivs will come
Cingrats happy_doc, for the step 3 and for the IVs

Step 3 is tough, don't worry... Well, I almost killed one of my patients too and passed after all... so, I guess it's normal.

Good luck
Thanks DG for your good wishes
Rejection from UVA:
"Our program is very competitive and academically rigorous. Therefore we only offer interviews to the most competitive candidates. "
I think the season is pretty much over and am not expecting more invitations. jok, do you think your secret weapon could be of any help?

path08 what is UVA

and I also got a rejection today from: Mount Sinai Medical Center of Greater Miami Program
happy, it's University of Virginia
back on first page...appears that every one is quite busy these days...