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Full Version: pathology interveiw thread - happy_doctor
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I think that transalional year or prelim dosen't help Path, but help for IM and others. For old grads don't expect top programs, if you have both 90+ but no path experience, you have much better chance for IM or other specities
Hi Guys,

I just applied several pathology programs. Can anybody tell me how long in average you have to wait between they download your application and send you something(either rejection, invitation or just a message about receiving?) Thanks
hey guys

I have applied yesterday. i have one query ...all of my documents have been uploaded except photo and Lor's . I send all the documents togather so i am bit confused why my lor's r not uploded to postoffice yet. it was written on ADTS that lors are uploaded only after u apply to program......but i still cant see them.....does this uploading after applying takes some time....any ideas?

"pathmatch - 10/04/07 09:27


Northeast: Boston U, baystate, BWH, Berkshire, drexel, Yale
Mid-west: Henry Ford, New mexico (west)
Southeast: U TN-Memphis (central south)
Central South:


Northeast: Cornell, TJU,
Mid-west: Henry Ford, Indiana, South Dokata
Southeast: MUSC, UF-Jax,ETSU (central south), LSU-shreveport (central south), Duke
Central South: Texas Southwestern (west)
West: "

i guess you listed some wrong locations.

Are all these listed interveiws forone person only....great
Upto Now, dreamgirl is the champaign.
Thank you Happy_doc for your reply..

Northeast: Boston U, baystate, BWH, Berkshire, drexel, Yale, UPMC
Mid-west: Henry Ford, New mexico
Central South: U TN-Memphis , OU


Northeast: Cornell, TJU,
Mid-west: Henry Ford, Indiana, South Dokata
Southeast: MUSC, UF-Jax,Duke
Central South: Texas Southwestern , LSU-shreveport, ETSU
West: "