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Full Version: pathology interveiw thread - happy_doctor
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Depressed. I got rejections from Uni. of New Mexico. They said the IV slots were filled by the end of Sept. I applied in the end of Sept.

I seems to me no hope this year.
Oxygen...its very true and I experienced same thing...havnt come to know about many rejections till the time i mailed them..they dont have even courtsey to send rejection..that are the affairs [till now I have 12 rejections and almost 6 were through non-myERAS]
hey dreamgirl,
I just opened up an account in studen doctor network forums, I'm patho79 there, you can go ahead and email me, I will be more than happy to help you in any way that I can Smile
Thanks patho79!!!! I'll contact you there..

sorry oxygen and ustmd2006...

that's bad.. means many programs would send me rejections if I called them either...

maybe it's better this way,,, now you guys already know, don't need to keep on hope for that programs...

Should I do the same?.. but I'm so sticked to that idea that is better to have nothing than a rejection... don't know.

I already assumed BI, Yale, MGH are rejections anyway!!!

oh this process sucks....

oxygen and dreamgirl and anyone else who's interested...i wrote to programs just this afternoon...basically, to follow up the status of my app...

within a few minutes i got a rejection from ohio state. it seems that they have filled their interview slots for this year for some time now. i guess it's true that some programs assume that we assume that if we don't hear from them, it means they're not interested. basically, silence = rejection (for some programs).

i'm glad i wrote least i know that's another one to scratch off the list. i'd rather know than be left in the dark with false hope.

good night...
Sorry w4c3, but thanks for your imput.. join us, we are trying to help each other with this thread!
Congrats!! kos!!!!!

dockart... please join our list, if possible!
Sure I can help you, but could you contact me at student doctor forum???
I'm Purpura... just send me a private message...I would be glad to chat with you!!

Adding kos IV and w4c3 R

*Albany MCP: happy_doctor
*Ball Memorial: shattered
*Berkshire: icc
*BWH: dreamgirl
*Boston University: dreamgirl, ustmd2006, patho79
*Case Medical Center-Cleveland: H2k
*Cedars Sinai: patho79
*Danbury CT: shattered, dreamgirl
*Drexel: ustmd2006, 3649736, patho79
*Emory: icc
*Georgetown UH: dr_2008, sad_doctor
*Henry Ford: swiss, steal5, patho79, icc, h2k, shattered,drsh
*Howard U: dumbme
*Jackson Memorial-Miami : patho79, dreamgirl
*Loyola: oxygen
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: ustmd2006
*NYU: ion
*SUNY-Stone Brook: happy_doctor
*Texas Methodist: dumbme
*Tufts-Baystate: dreamgirl, churg, h2k, 3649736, sad_doctor, shattered
*U at Buffalo: dreamgirl
*U of Cincinnati: brownie
*UCI: oxygen
*U Florida-Jacksonville: patho79
*U of Indiana: path08, H2k
*U Mass: dreamgirl, happy_doctor
*UMDNJ-newark: patho79, icc
*U Minnesota: brownie
*U Nebraska: happy_doctor, 3649736
*U New Mexico: churg, patho79, Brownie
*U Pittsburgh MC: kos, shattered
*USF, Tampa: patho79
*U TN-Memphis: dreamgirl, churg,steal5, rajgopalmehta, msn1998, kingfisher, 3649736, happy_doctor, drsh
*Vanderbilt: dreamgirl
*Washington U: kos
*West Virginia U: happy_doctor
*Yale: Magician


*BWH: churg, rajgopalmehta, oxygen, h2k, patho79, happy_doctor, Brownie
*Cleveland Clinic: H2k, Path08, kos, dumbme, rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, 3649736, ustmd2006,icc
*Dartmouth: path08, 3649736, dreamgirl, icc
*Duke - ustmd2006, happy_doctor, Brownie,oxygen
*East Tennessee U: dr_2008, h2k
*Indiana: steal5, swiss, patho79, icc, markwang, kos, 3649736, sad_doctor, ustmd2006
*LSUHSC-Shreveport: rajgopalmehta, h2k, pathmatch
*Mayo: koil, happy_doctor
*MUSC: dreamgirl,dr_2008, icc, reza-p, kos, 3649736, path08, nami
*Ohio State University: happy_doctor, ustmd2006
*Presbyterian-Columbia: 3649736
*Presbyterian-Cornell: dreamgirl, churg, azygous, markwang, reza_p, patho79, h2k, happy_doctor, 3649736
*Saint John: happy_doctor
*Thomas Jefferson: oxygen, path08, 3649736
*U at Buffalo: happy_doctor
*UCSF: patho79
*U Florida-Jacksonville: pathmatch, happy_doctor, h2k, waterfl,
*U Minnesota: rajgopalmehta, h2k, icc, happy_doctor
*UMDNJ Robert Wood: path08, 3649736, scoobydo, 3649736
*U New Mexico: w4c3
*USD:dr_2008, dumbme, happy_doctor, 3649736
*U South Florida: Brownie,
*U South Florida (Temple): markwang
*U Texas A&M: rajgopalmehta, happy_doctor, churg, jameswhite, 3649736
*U Texas branch:oxygen
*U Texas-San Antonio: 3649736 (on hold)
*U Texas Southwestern: oxygen, icc, markwang, kos, path08, dreamgirl, rajgopalmehta
*U Wiscousin: happy_doctor
*Vanderbilt: markwang
*WI (Madison) :markwang
thanks ustmd 2006!

A terrible idea just came up to my mind... what if I just e-mail all the programs I haven't heard from, just to see what happens???
Wish I were brave enough to do so...
patho79, couldn't find you in "search".......... :/

did you post anywhere in the forum? If you see me there, just click in the icon and then send me something so that I can find you

sorry... for such hassle
ok dream girl, I just sent you a message in SDN