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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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thanks a lot .. i was thinking the same too .. each system fm kap and look up the corresponding emryo and anat fm FA side by side ..

am feeling so sleepy ..

wish u more speed with ur cardio..

@vena .. nice to c u back
do kaplan gross anatomy
@owlcity do kaplan gross anatomy
thanks @owcity...i didnt do anatomy yet ,,so i dont have opnion for you sorry,,you may advice me how to do it,,,

an unsuccesful attempt to take a power nap .. wasted an d hour .. taking some snacks and back to thorax..
finished 5th chapters , so its 3 chapters completed today but its ok im satisfied ,i dont really cares i wasted time reading slowly as i feel comfortable with the my knowledge now ,as immuno is my weak area . before when i didnt even know this forum existed i had palpitations when reading these kaplan books & though i felt i understood some how i didnt feel satisfied & couldnt ans quest well. but now its different being with people who are able to understand practically what we are going through .

did u get the nbme explanations .. i got some .. do u need it or u already have it

took a long 3 hr break .. starting cardio .. wanted to finish till abdomen .. but i lost 3 hrs .. gotta pay for it now..


where have u reached ..
hi owlcity: can you please send the explanations to me..thankyou!

hey u are doing cadio with me Smile i dont know what to do getting a little hopeless..i thought i wud do FA in a week but i just able to do 40 -45 pages a day//...taking so long..yesterday whole day in neuro whole day in cardio!!
wow!! we reached 100th page of our thread!!..yay!

pls check ur mail ..
me very depressed too ..
i did 15o pgs histo yest
today i did only 50 pgs till now ,, didnt5 study since 3 pm .. i get so tired nowdays , i just cant study , then wasted an hr trying to take a nap , got out of bed with a big palpitation ,, went to gym ,, cooked and some phone calls .. and then it was already 8.30 ..
trying to catch up as much as possible till 11 .. have to call mom in law ..