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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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@owl thats what i am planning to do in n.y , after a few days getting settled according to my plan will reapply as it will only take 3 wks for me get sched permit .
i dont know y but iam sooooooooo excited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but there is fear & also excited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How's it going guys? Seems like some of us are getting closer to our exam dates! It's going to be a nervous day but we will be so relieved! Smile

Neuro question, do you guys remember which bacterial infection can cause parinaud syndrome?
hey guys where r u all ????
update ur progress guys .. though i am busy prep for journey i am viewing what u all are studying .

i was thinking the same thing..
hows the prep going .. i mean home going prep ..

i havent slept at all for the last 2 nights .. so i m all drowsy and tired today .. i think i ve got a conditioned response to my bed .. the min i go to bed i start thinking i ve to think of something to make myself sleep ..and then it starts .. get so tensed that i m not able to sleep and that itself keeps me awake .. am so tired of this .. its like becoming a ds .. happens during the day too whenever i try to take a nap .. guys suggest something .. i ve tried so many things ..

looks like i ve to do some stimulus change and go to sleep in the sofa or something and not in my bed .. lol!!

am trying to finish psychiatry .. was planning to be done with it by 12 and start renal by 1 pm and now i m still stuck here .. where are the others ,, today the thread is so dead ..
@owl u feel more anxious then all of us . u tried the melatonin tab its good if it worked but if its really disturbing ur sleep & ur getting palpitations go to a doctor & get some help with some anxiety or sleep medications for the previous night before exam .
i heard from those who didnt get proper sleep r anxiety effecting there concentration during the exam day.
if u dont want any medications go to some meditation classes for 30min it will release the pressure.

doing alot of cooking , still didnt pack

thanks dear .. ill try some meditation ..hmm .. u sound like u r prep something real good .... 2 more pages to go and i ll take a break ..
Hi vena
hey everyone!!

2177: have a nice flight Smile take care

owl: good to see u studying now...when takin the date?

vena: hehehehe i'll tell u this: it will be in march!!!!!!! cos then my eligibility ends!!

ok is my day off from studying...
have fun studying..hehehehe

Yes it opened ..but i wrote a msg at 3 oclock ...i will try my computer
To send it again .