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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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welcome back , nice to c u back ,, half the people in this thread have dissapeared ..


i ll send u by lunch if u dont mind ..
how s ur prep .. when have u taken the date .and when are u giving nbme??

@vena , carpidem, cilastin, imgpak and others .. where are u guys ..
Tetrology of Fallot

"IHOP-International House of Pancakes":

Interventricular septal defect
Hypotrophy of right ventricle
Overriding aorta
Pulmonary stenosis

**Branchial arch giving rise to aorta
"Aor- from Four": Aorta is from fourth arch.
good morning

yesterday i did finished first day of goljan audio and today will start 2nd one ,,iam trying to finish it in 20 days ,,,i want speed up little bit and do my exame near july or augest ...

now i feel more confident with my study and hope u all be like that ...

@owlcity ,,yesterday i was very tired and i couldnt open my computer and send out my end goal ....thats why i didnt appear alott,,,i want study hard this days .......thanx for asking

@fatemeh..... welcome back .....guest are the most horrible things when ur studing ....continue

good day for all friends ,,see yu

finished thorax and doing abd .. have to finish by 6 .. but i m feeling sick .. going to rest for some time ..
hi guys ,,all busy with studing ??

i have a sever neck pain ,,,i dont know what to do ,,,,any one have the same thing when sitting for along time ,,,what posion is good for studing ,,,i like sitting on the ground and supine position ,,,i cant study on the desk ......!!!!!!!!!!!!

ohhhhhhhh ,,,still far away from my goal for today .............
i have the same prob .. now i stand and listen to videos and walk around , i can do that cos i dont have to write notes now.. my back hurts ,, my whole body hurts .. but no other way ..

its 7 and i still havent finished abd .. was feeling dizzy again.. so been sleeping for 3 hrs .. no wonder i wont be able to sleep tonight ..
hi all , today before starting chapter 6 of immuno i revised chapt 1-5 & i dont know y but it was so slow & when i started reading chapt 6 i had to stop as i had to do some other work .so i didnt study from 3pm . now its 10:30 i will read for some time

@owlcity thank u for the mail . i plan to take nbme after finishing uw .
didnt finish abd .. will do it tom ..
Hi guys,
My studying has not been great so havent posted for many dys.I took kaplan simul test 2 and I did it in such bad mood I screwed up and got 65%,on 1st one I got 67%.So with no improvement and going even more dwn felt horrible.
Now just will revise all the old blocks and keep studying FA and give nbme after I finish it.
I hv such big prob with studying long hurs ,I just cant do more than 5 no matter hw much I try and I think his is slowing my down a lot ,so from tomoro I want to change this ,lets see how it goes.
Happy studying to all of you.
goodmorning... Smile
time to study Big Grin

starting with hematology FA !!