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Finished marking right quest of cns &immuno took a break now back studying .
@owl. U were worried April would b far away & I am now getting shivers as I feel I need more time. We will never feel ready . It's just a temporary feeling when doing quest that were ok & when we open book everything is new

@raw hope ur feeling better
@vena I felt the same way during my application

Where is everyone else ?
its almost dark outside and hard to study ..................i tried to sand msg many time in thread ,,it says file not opened ?what is this mean??
did 20 qs till 5 pm ..
wasted some time watching a bit of "the gods must be crazy " and now my phone calls begin again..

how are u handling ur crediantial verification thing .. do u ve any idea wat the college needs to verify .. the clerk doesnt seem to understand me nor do i .. so i just want to know wat needs to be verified .. was a bad day for studies ,,..i couldn't concentrate all day Sad
bad day for me too

but still struggling.. will sleep early and make a fresh start tom..
I almost lost 2 hour and willnot be able study for another 2...its dinner time and my husband will come home today wasnt so good ...guys whenever i see one of us came back from exame all my nerves are flying and i wish that day came soon ...when i read lovetest msg. I just felt every word she said about exame
My heart beat are so fast wowowwwoow
Today was also not a good day for me & after reading lovetest emotional breakdown I become sooo tensed & felt like just shutting the doors of this stupid test.
Good night guys
@all: i thought i was so abnormal before i came to this forum taking so long for my exam but i realize there r alot of people like that out there. i think the hardest part for me is trying to stay positive when there's no progress. it just feels like it's endless & then what's the point. but i am so close to being done, just a bit more to go. my hubby works full time & is studying for his step 3 now so it wud be a shame if i didnt finish my exam before him.

my studying today wasn't so good either, had alot of housework to do! dunno how all of u balance it..

@owl: biostats calculations are just alot of practice i think, it's one of those topics we can do well on if we spend a bit of time but often neglect. u do know that u dont have to worry abt credential verification to take ur exams right?

@2177: u r so right abt fa...a little book but is actually alot of material. i was awake last night but didnt post on forum. will try & post if i am awake from now on. my parents actually live in philly so i will be visiting them from time to time anyway Smile

@vena: if u have finished 1st reading & r taking notes from uw, it takes around 2-3 months at the very least. and that's if u r studying good everyday. if u r doing it along with ur 1st reading, it takes even longer.

Carpediem....i didnt fimish 1st reading and didnt start uw online yet....
Gn guys study was screwed up tonight ....see you
GM all !! its 7am & i slept really well. but i am soo tensed .. time is flying by fast & i still have to do so much & get ready for nbme. i aim for 240 but sometimes i am so DESPERATE to just pass this & get residency like a relative here who just got pass score & got residency thru her husb without going thru match process. but should not think like that as it doesnt work for everyone . but this exam is taking over my life !!!!

@owl crecential verific is proof given by our college that all we have submitted till now is not forgery & that this person (us ) really did her mbbs in our college .

@carpidem regarding my self i dont consider me as superwomen . i think the same has the girls who just finished there mmbs & how fast they given exams in 1 yr but i am dam sure they dont have anything in there mind & responsibilities like us.
regarding the men i think god had given them more energy, concentration & courage then us as they all work ,study & at the same time enjoy life.
where do stay at present ? were u raised her as u said ur parents live in philly. i was raised here did my mbbs in india my parents live in ny . sure we all can get together once this exam is done.

will update later happy studying all