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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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hi good night friends thanks for feed back are right its too late for me to start new study material .
gn every one studing was realy bad ,,tomorrow will start again

@2177: yup i'm planning on doing the same thing. glad u r enjoying ur trip. how long in the northeast? how's the weather! u & i r practically neighbors, both in the north & south Smile

@raw: from what i read on this forum, nbme 13 seems more difficult than the other nbme's

@soohia: i actually liked pathoma better than goljan (gasp!) from the sample lectures i saw. the way he teaches is amazing & centered around building concepts & so simple & a way u can retain the info well....good for ppl who r weak in path. but there's too much other info i have to cover & i was doing well in path...
goodmorning..rise ans shine
starting my day with finishing day10 of dit and then a block of UW

carpe: yeah it sounds horrific..but i guess we still have time to take it and i think we should..maybe i'll take it before taking 12 so if it blows off my dignity i can still build up some on gosh! i don't even like the number...Big Grin
good morn guys

. woke up early , made breakfast , saw my guests off at last , then cleaned up the post guest mess , then cooked lunch .. and freshened up and finally i m all set to go .. but i feel like i m gonna pop off to bed any moment .. am so tired ..

my renal was a mess cos i was trying to patch it up bits by bits thes last 3 ds .. still not complete .. i finished fm fa .. but i felt i had to do it in goljan too cos there aint a lot of stuffs in fa .. am wondering whether to patch up that or start repro .. only ms sk left after that ..

have a great study today guys .. tom s gonna be real real hot tom .. a genetic shift fm 45 to 75 degrees ,, atleast i ll be able to go for a walk ..

hey guys..done with day10, 1 block of UW and the will review UW answers and start dit day 11

2177: where's my early morning bird??
I started pathology today... Using goljan. When I get fatigued I will do some Uworld questions to wake me up and realize that once again I still don't know enough!!

starting a new day ,,today i plan to finish another 30 pg ,,iam doing thoracic anatomy ...

u all active ,,make me more energized ..good luck every one

will update later ...
Gm guys.will be doing few questns from kaplans and then do CNS pharmac.
revise pharmaco dynamics and kinetics in aftrnoon and then back to cns drugs.
i had a question.
how much time should i take in my 1st reading to do each topic for eg CNSpharmac from kaplan notes along with Kaplan videos and may be FA side by side.
i generally spend lot of time here and there and finally it takes days to finish one topic.
So wanted to get an idea in terms of hours.
@owl,raw,vena,carpidem-do u guys set alarm or something.I m wondering how to improve my scheduling and be on it tight.
review NBME 4 wrong answers just started