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hi every one
yesterday i did first chapter of renal physio and i will try do another one today ,,but it seems difficult with out vedio ,,it will make me crazy ...............
i woke up soon but i where cooking and willnot study till 4 pm ..later i will do it till mid night,,i hope i can do it .......
keep studing guys
see you
i took a longgg break so today im going to get back at it! my goal is to do 1 block of patho questions !!
hey Guys,,
I liked this page..count me..I took a long break and back to study today..start physiology..
hope finish 35 pages of PHYSIO today .should finish physio in 15 days.....
Take care guys......and study well...
hey guys i have quetion for u ,,,

wich usmle step1 an 2 degree needed to get plasic surgery ??do u now any link to look at for degree and residency relationship????

hi guys ..

am back .. dead tired .. studied just 2 hrs in the morn ..did 20 qs ..

@dr_raw am 30 min fm philly .. went to phily today .. lots of work .. came back did christmas shopping plus groceries .. cooked and cleaned and laundy .. am dead tired ,, had planned to study after i come back .. but no way .. am so tired now .. will wake up early tom and do 50 qs ..

if u look up at FA it says aprox 243 for plastic surgey .. they havent mentione dophthal which i wanted to know .. ..dont know about the link .. i was wondering about how to get an observership or a clerkship .. do u need ur scores to apply for that ..

@fatemeh2011 @classymd

nice to see new people here .. welcome back guys ..

anyway .. see u guys tom .. gn
@owlcity: thanks :-D

today im gotta review some of my answers from yesterday cuz i didnt go thru them all. then hopefully do 2 patho blocks today.

Happy studying everyone !!
@everyone ..

good morn everyone .. open ur books .. and lets start sailing .. my ships got a big big body ache fm yest .. but i guess u ve gotta sail her or she wont reach the port in time..

my target finish 50 qs atleast ..if not shame on me ..
thank you...

hope we all doing great today....
I'm going to finish 35 pages of physio...

Good luck everyone.....

@tg2009 and all those u ve finished biochem

i have a little querry ??

There are 4 types of rec
1.steroid rec (located in the cytoplasm or nucleus ) ,2. ion channel rec 3.,enzyme linked rec 4,G protein linked rec

Out of these .. the trans membrane rec are 2,3,& 4 .. am I rt ??

Some rec are present in the cytoplasm but migrate to the nucleus. This are steroid recs .. rt ??
(eg glucocorticoid ,mineralocorticoid ,androgen , estrpgen and cortisol)

What kind of rec does progesterone have ..??

uw says –it require ligands to diffuse thru the cell cell membrane before binding can occur,then transcription is activated, but uw also says that it acts via nuclear rec that directly binds with dna to influence prot production .. so wat is the ligand s role here ??
I have a doubt about GABA rec --does it have a G prot linked or a ligand gated ion channel rec

What about glycine rec – is it an ion chanel rec . ??

in homocystenemia .. why do u give folate and B12 .. if decreasing methionine is a treatment for cystathione def .. giving folate and B12 .. will it not increase the methionine level .. and increasing the methione prod (via folate and B12 ) wont it l ultimately lead to increase of homocystine??? Can anyone explain this to me
goodmorning guys and welcome new members

i am still with renal physio and yesterday i didnt finish even one small chapter,,,today i will do it ...

@owlcity ,,i did my first reading of bio but believe i dont know what are u talking about in first q,,like dnt saw that things u mentioned here,,,if u understand it let me now,,but for homocystenemia ,,,thereis other enzyme that convert homocystine back to methionine wich is homocystine methyle transferase (this enzyme require b12 and folate )for its action ,,so if this are deficient also person will have homocystenemia but less sever form ...
in homocystenemia the main concern is homocystine not methionine concentration