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got it after cheating..Uw notes: bullae spread laterally with pressure: pemphigus vulgaris.. i wont forget Smile i had just read it yesterday and i forgot
starting day12: lecture on neuro!!
Hey guys I am at lib now at 1:24 pm . My daughter got the cold so now I am beginning to get it took a medication to prevent it from comming . My daughter drops & picks me up & thought she understood by now & today I just added the word bye to the explanation of will come by the time of her favorite lord Krishna (little Krishna little as her that's y she likes it ) & she suddenly panicked , grabbed me & cried eyes full of tears , but I had to come to lib as I heard that's the way they will learn that we will go & come back by evening & the 1st day they will cry . Felt bad but I am alittle better now .

Ok will continue now with studies don't know where to start will update after I read something

Happy studying !!!
i eat my lunch and now iam back ....i lost my early 2 hr ,,and talked to mom for 30 minute and other minutes i dont how went so fast and only read 3 pages will try to be more concentrated ,,,,
@owl..i never heard about that sign ..
@2177...its hard for u i know becouse i love kids and i cant withstand their tears ,,but its our life and we always should leave them every day ,,nobody can change that ,,u should handle it dear way out sure u will do the right thing for her ....
@raw...iam glad to have friend like u guys ...u guys made me much better than before..iam little scared when u all finish their exame ,,i will be alone...i afraid lost my confidence .........but that all of u get a good score...
vena lady

i was just thinking about u .. dont worry u wont be alone .. i m sure u are gonna keep this thread alive .. there are others who still ve targets till may june and then ull be done by then.. and we ll always miss this thread and will keep comong here ..and cmon we al ve our emails .. that way if evr we lose track here in the forum we can always keep touch ,,

the founder of this thread has gone long time back .. but we are still here .. and dont worry u are gonna to the president of this thread soon lol!! thinking about that i shd appoint raw the present president here .. most seniormost .. as per the exam dates lol!!

done with dermat .. will start the last few pgs of pharm .. gosh i m sick of studying .. when i lok at golja , i get so mad .. just thinking of the time i wasted doing the goljan free qs .. big time mistake ..

raw has just explained the sign , its found in pemphigus vulgaris .. uw notes ..
asboe hansen sign is seen in psoriasis.
wen u start removing scales of psoriasis ,u will find pinpoint bleeding .
that is AUSPITZ sign ,, in psaorasis .. can u pls tell where u found it , i mean asboe hansen in paoarasis ?

u also find Koebners phenomenon in psoarasis (rash appearing in areas of trauma eg elbows lower back)
koebners is also seen in Lichen Planus( lesions appearing in areas of scratching )
@sunshine when that quest was posted I remembered u as ur a dermatologist & only u can ans 100% correctly
Did u see any of them ?

Guys I started reading the weak area of a mixture if patho ,
@owl ..thanks ....i will be the president wowwww,,yes we can contact by emails and u should not leave me ,,u guys can write your step2 progress here .SadSad
oops its psoriasis or pemphus ??