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@amaani and others .. i had saved this link somewhwere fm the forum .. dont know if its still working .. check it out ..

All USMLE Rx Questions in one link


All UsmleWorld step1 offline questions with their answers. Genuine_1400_Q.rar.html


@dr_raw: its really good ur able to do 80 UW qs daily. i am also doing uw qs, but one block a day, as i cannot keep up with explanations and end up working on the the rest of the day! are u also doing explanations to those 80 questions?? how are u able to manage?
@owlcity: thanks for the links! :-)

its 3:20pm and i didnt reach my goal - reviewing answers is killing me!!!
did 10 more questions!

@drsahiba...haha no way i can do 80 questions...i just max have reached upto 50 questions in a day...but i just put a high target in front of me so i don't get lazy!! i think one block a day is a very good speed...sometimes my days are so bad that i just do 20... those UW are draining and then writing down explanations takes long..i also get distracted and bored sitting at one place...
i just wish i could increase my speed of upto 10 questions in an hour!!!!!

@classymd: keep goin ..we all can do it...

i'll update again in a short while..this is kinda helping a lot!!

@vena: thanks for your support sweetie Smile
@usmle2177: don't bother about getting incorrect questions.. and getting a low score in uw...good to get over this nervousness here than at the real test Smile
u are welcome ..

@dr-raw thank u .. my backs a bit better .. didnt study much today .. started late .. and lost my flow .. wasted a lot of time cleaning today .. its good that u are updating freq .. it keeps the spirit up for every one..
@vena .. thanks for asking . think it ll be ok in a day or 2 .. ..i lost my flow in the morn .. that made me more tensed .. and spoiled my whole day ..have done only 7 pgs today .. shame .. hope tom will be better.. hope u did much better


thanks for asking .. i have a qs for u ..does local anaesthetics work on INACTIVATED or ACTIVATED Na channels .. ( 2010 FA pg 431 says activated , kap 141 says inactivated ..)
@owlcity dont worry ,,,today i didnt study well too ,,only 4 pages till now but i wil continuue till 9 pm ,,,,,i got my new 2012 first aid and i spend about one houre looking at like asmall child when recieve a gift ,,i love it ,,but whenever i buy a new book i lose my mind , get crazy and confuse ,,,??i dont know why???
did there is any subject i can do it in first aid instead of kapaln notes???

@all: started late today but will study until late to make up for it. goal: atleast half a block with full explanations

@dr_raw: thank u

@vena86: i've heard that FA is enough for micro & pharm.
@carpediem thanks alottttttttt
I started late today guys but I can study till mid night..I'm still slow reader and couldn't reach my goal 30 pages of physiology.. and can't concentrate these days..
@ vena:::could you please tell me it different from 2010..I have 2010 FA .. do you think I SHOULD change it to 2012??
thank you in advance.