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another half an hr and then off to dream land .. i was telling someone in my dream to go to this forum and saying its really good!!

u better be up early raw.. i ll check u on my ipod .. or else i wont be getting up at all ..

gn ..
lol... i'll try dear..havent been ale to get up early lately!!

gudnite..finished the kap block!

thanks a lot vena86 for your help, God bless you, i thought i was filling the wrong form.

@dr-raw, what is this behav science subject review, these days i'm doing behav science but i don't know what is it.
My plan for today review my UWSA2

review two block of UW wrong questions only

+ 2 UW new blocks

and certainly meanwhile looking at some FA pages of deficit

hi all, i am back to 6am schedule . i slept really well last night but did have some bad dreams i dont know y i get those maybe stress related.
will update again later
Happy Studying !!!!

allrght time for revision of some flash cards and then move to immuno reading

owl..wake up!
imgpak... what's your mail id?
hey where is everyone ???

@owl its been along time i called my mom in law by myself as i get irritated very easy bcos of the stress this prep is causing so i avoid such distractions as even if there telling something thats is good for me i cant take it cause they cant practically understand how frustrating this prep is as of course every nonmedico will hear its a tough exam but still they will also hear millions of docs taking these exam & go on with there life so they practically dont understand. thats y i limit my calls only when my husband is calling.
dont take any thing to heart just focus.

i revised cns pharma & iam relieved , was soo stressed out yesterday .i am reading FA with kaplan by the side.
GM everyone

well the lazy bum finally got kicked out of bed .. am continuing with on with the left over qs .. wanted to start biostats but i dont think i can conc there untill i finish these qs ..

hey dear am glad vena helped u out , i went thru my form copies and i did not pay anything of that sort .. so i guess thats a new one ..


thanks dear , i ve cut down my own family calls a lot .. 15 min for my mom and dad .. i tell them my hubby has given me only 15 min for the phone allowance ..

but i cant say no to my hubby for talking to his mother.. and all she knows is a baby .. cos she s one of those old housewives .. she stopped nagging me for a baby .. maybe got tired of it .. but my husb s brother just had a baby anf his sist is expecting .(and they all got married after us) . and one is getting married this summer .. which i guess will be having a baby by next summer , i guess .. cos thats wat marriage means in india .. my sist in law s expecting too .. so am feeling so depressed that i cant afford to have one .. and its going to be my 2nd aniv this feb .. i had stayed out of face book for this reason too .. seeing all my frens kids use to make me feel really bad .. now i cant avoid the ones in my family ..evryone at my inlaws keeps taunting .. am so scared of going home this summer ,, i know i m gonna have some big time depression..
Good morning everyone

I see everyone wakeed up and studing... I am happy for you guys.

Today I will try to read some pages before going to party....

@owl... thank god no 1 of my inlaws know anything about this exame.. no 1 did it in my area... no one

talking about it with me....

At the end of application when it say check and pay.later they will tell u wich center u want and gave u

Adress or how?????andwhen they will ask for my diploma..till now not..but talking about diploma

I chose the 2nd option where it say iam a graduate and enclose here talking about some form but i

Dont think it wil be that? ????

Help me guys