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now iam busy with printing the audio transcript
@usmle2177...i'm in pakistan.... its 11pm now will try to complete GI embryo before i sleep.

@vena thanks, best of luck with patho.

all of you have a nice day and happy studying so used to doing questions now!!! simple reading is just so boring!!!!

@imgpak: i took form 11 a month ago but didnt do now will take 12 in a week
have u started UW qbank? u should pay more emphasis on the questions once u do your reading..also yes take an nbme it will tell u where u are in your prep!

vena: goodluck with patho..u will enjoy reading it..
read immuno for awhile to start with quest, & also to a break do revise some weak areas of bio, embryo & drugs

@dr_raw i know thats y iam revising from uw. reading from fa seems so simple & dull where as uw in 1 quest u will have 4- 5 different ans which you can benefit revising at the same time.
& also sorry i didnt notice ur exam was almost near to 2 weeks .
had to go back 10 pages... Smile but thought that reading ur posts might help motivate me.
have been sick & unable to read...only did an hr on sat...

@dr_raw: yes done with cs & ck. thank u...still sick & feeling drowsy but gonna try & read today. cardio q's take forever, esp physio & even pathophys. super long explanations.

@usmle2177: thanks for the wishes...i think the ppl on the front page of this thread stopped posting, dont think all of them took their exam yet...i know one took the exam already...there was another group & we were all posting on another thread before starting this one.

@carpediem1 do you know how relieved i felt after i read that u finished cs & ck ? i felt as if i completed them ... such a big pressure that was relieved as if i was carrying a big heavy rock on my chest , i wish i was in your shoes , when do u plan on taking ur exam ?

@owlcity where r u ??

today i woke at 4 am so felt sleepy after eating lunch so took a nap & will continue now, have to complete this by march , its getting frustrating !!!

@all: about the goljan hy...i thought that it doesn't just cover path but covers other subjects as well?? has anyone gone through it?

@usmle2177: yah both exams r done but i made a big mistake taking ck before step 1, i only realized it after. alot of what u study for step 1 will help u for ck but u wont find the same if u take ck 1st. its been such along road for me....but after this exam, looking forward to finally being ecfmg certified. exam date really depends on my nbme score & how well i study....i still have to finish 1st round of uw, go over all my notes once before taking an nbme.

@step1race: i also had the same symptoms...still do though hopefully it'll get better...tough studying when u r sick. when r u thinking of taking ur exam...u mentioned u cant extend it any further.

@vena: the lib is so far away for u....45 mins?! i feel like all i've done is study too. for path i did goljan audio + rr + uw q's & that's it....i didnt write down explanations for most path q's either cuz they were taking long & i was doing well.

@owlcity: hope u r better now Sad my hubby was sick & i think i caught it was going around town & i was happy i hadn't gotten sick until last week. i deactivated my fb & activate it every few weeks just to see what's going on, end up spending a few hrs but it's better than wasting time every day....then deactivate it again. i use red bull, it usually works pretty well for me. pharm is alot of memorization which i dont like.

welcome back carpediem Smile

done with reading upper limb and lower limb anat, andd patho movinh onto FA and questions on muskuloskeletal!

@dr_raw: thanx. r u done with uw?
hello every one

iam here tonight ,,,my patho continues..............

@carpidem...that day i went to lib..i had some problem thats why i got so late isnt so far ...but now iam studing at home becouse so cold over here and i dont want go out ,,,for goljan high yeild yes it covers evry subject i did print its physio part but doesnt read it ,,,i dont know it seems too short ,,how many page exactly ???its 100 right ??

@owl where are you ???ur better now ???