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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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Good morn guys
GM every one
Did this thread is working
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii @2177
lol u guys!!
Hi vena & raw
HEY GUYS i HAVE BEEN AWAY FROM usmle SINCE A WHILE BUT NOW i AM BAKC AND i AM 2 MONTHS FROM MY EXAM >>>> i am really lazy these days really needs support
A couple has two children affected with tuberous selerosis. On detailed clinical and laboratory evaluation (including molecular studies) both parents are normal. Which one of the following
explains the two affected children in this family?
a) Non penetrance
b) Uniparental disomy
c) Genomic imprinting
d) Germline mosaicism
@drfuture we are all in a dfferent thread that has the same name except with different user .

my prep for the day user name owlcity

join us there !!