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today was a slacker.... finished GIT embryo and anatomy
hey guys good morning !! its 6 am . will go on to the next chapter in immuno today . finally nearer to the end.

Happy study all !!

yesterday was a bad day..stuck with biochem still..wanna finish biochem and genetics by noon today...
was supposed to ive my nbme it has shifted to friday..cant delay it no more....goin crazyyyyy
good morn guys

am late today ..@usmle2177
which time zone are u in .. ??
good that u are finishing imuno .. frankly speaking i found imuno a lot faster just listening to tat lady .. same with all the sub .. i find myself wandering off day dreaming ..if i dont listen to the videos ...

its morn and i still feel so tired with body ache all over .
anyway ve to start .. will start head n neck so that i can move around and study .. sitting whole day with qs yest has made me so stiff plus looking at the screen for long gives such a bad headache ..
@owlcity iam in the central time zone , i dont have videos its been awhile ago since i listened to them & bcos of breaks in between i dont remember at all. i have dit but i plan on listening to them after i finish with fa . i am trying to complete this exam fast so i am not planning on listening to videos bcos of time . but will that have a negative effect on the exam as i see alot of people listening over & over again to the videos bcos i personally feel memorizing works for me.
goodmorning my friends

its 10 am and will start now ...continuing with my pathology .....

@how is every one ?? i hope u the best
hey , where is everyone ??? today i started with my revisions so didnt start with immuno yet & will update in the evening as i am shutting down my computer bcos am addicted to opening this forum when its on & unknowingly wasting time reading other threads .
so u all later ....

u are rt .. i did make a rule to myself to report here once in the morn . eve and at nite .. just to keep my momentum .. otherwise it does waste time ..
this study the whole morn .. slept the whole morn .. was feeling so weak and body ache .. feeling a bit better .. so m starting rt now .. will repot in the eve..

@vena .. hope u are getting a good flow ..

hi finally finished the biochem and genetics part..

owl and 2177: yeah even i have cut down my time on forum..but stll update when i stat and finish somethin..just keep myself in the flow..

allright will start git FA now..35 pages ..wanna finish in 4 hours...
guys am going real slow .. i still havent finished head and neck .. and i havent done neuro still now and i am already bored with anat..

god when will i get over this exams cant wait ,,