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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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finished head and neck with qs .. took a 3 hr break ..

now starting with my left over qs of ms sk .. 30 qs .. dont know how much i can do today ,, anyway i ve to start neuro anat anyhow..

guys how long does it take fm kap neuro anat .. i want to finish it by atleast 2 days .. do u guys ve some hint .. something topics i can leave out ..
hey owl,..happy u finished still stuck with git..will finish in an hour and update..

as for neuro..kap neuro is a must .i dont really understand what u are tryin to ask
@owlcity ,,,thank u so mucch ,,,,i was so slow today ,still 2 page remains to reach my goal
@dr-raw @usmle2177......all of us addicted to this forum.. its helpful but some time we stay here for along time and leave our study we should arrange it ,,,,,,,,
but i cant if every houre didnt check it lollll......
10 more qs to go ..
done with git, will move on to somethin small that doesn't require much understanding cos my brain is brewing!!
@dr- raw

i can understand that state of mind .. i was so saturated yest .. that i just went to bed and listened to the anatomy lecture which i just had to complete to make myself satisfied and that didnt req a lot of thinking either ..

done with my 30 qs at last ,, will start neuro tom .. good nite guys
hi guys , yesterday i read a mixture of histo , bio metabolism, musculoskeletal to refresh my memory & in the evening read 1 1/2 chapter of immuno . took a long break in the evening .will update later again

Happy studying !!!
good morm guys

today is mission neuro anat .. will update later .. gosd give me strenght to finish it in2 ds ..

today i will start with hematology and 2 page remains from yesterday ,,,this days not so good .........

see you
hi everyone Smile

gonna do renal today..hopeful to finish it by afternoon..then wanna start microbiology Smile

owlcity..i think 2 days wud be good enough ...goodluck..

comeon people dont be silent observers..that's no fun! keep updating without gettin addicted!

c ya at noon