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good night .@owl .i hope u got it tonight

hello everybody,

thanks dr-raw, yesterday i did the initial part of ecfmg certification now it says i can apply for the exam the big hurdle is still in front, hope i get over this process soon its very distracting. i'm doing biostats subject review its really helpful, i'll complete it today.

@owlcity, all the best.
thanx a lot ..I called him at 11.30 in Indian time and he asked me to call at 5 pm so here I am.. Don't worry , if anything happens , you are still back home so your college is always at reach' good luck

my days gonna be all tipsy turvy tom.. Slept only 4 hrs ..
hey guys

time to as much FA as i can today..that's the plan and maybe some blocks of UW at night

owl..i hope things worked out for u

good to see everyone studied hard last night..i went to bed early..wasn't feelin too good..
gm guys .. done ..

didnt sleep a wink .. still a lot of phone calls to be made .. just wanna get done with it ASAP..
GM all , i woke at 5 & slept at 6 now again fully awake at 8. i stayed late so felt lazy

@owl hope todays the last day of ur process & from tomorrow peaceful mind to study .
@raw i was wondering where u were yest , hope ur fine now

will complet cns uw ques .
Goodmoring every one

Yseterday i couldnt finish git page remains iam comtinue with my sweet patho....

@owl...did u have your diploma with u? ????

am a 2003 graduate .. si i ve everything with me .. i guess i m the oldest grad here ..

i called ecfmg and they said i m regstered .. but since i applied for accom , i t ll take another 60 ds // so i m screwed till april first wk .ecfmg will now send some form to the college where they ll ve to verify my credentials .. for that i ll ve to catch this clerk again ..

@dr-raw wat is the earliest or min.time i can pick a date .. if i get the permit in april 7th u think i can get a date in 5 -6 ds 2nd wk april ..
how did u do the last time u cancelled and postponed the exams ..

I m so sleepy even now .
Starting genetics frm kaplan.
great owl..happy everything worked out for u.. great now u can set a target of say first week of april..and set your goals..

once u get your scheduling permit..take a printout right away..then go to the prometric site and chose step1 exam and there they will ask for your scheduling number and then u can look where is the closest exam center and also the available dates ..pick a date and place and you are ready to go! u can pick a date for the very next day if you are ready depending on the availability at the center...

to cancel the exam: i dont think u wud need to extend the eligibility cancel the exam if its more than 30 days before your test date,...u can go online and change the date ...but if it is less than 30 days then u have to call prometric and they will charge 50$ and cancel the exam...once they confirm its canceled after that u can pick whichever date u want...provided it is in the 3 month eligibility period...i think if its less than 5 days then u have to pay like a 100$ to cancel...

im the queen of cancelling exam dates... so this time i havent picked a date eligibility ends in march 31 so i wud onlt pick a date when i start scoring decently in nbme ...once i get a decent score i'll pick a date one week from then!