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its official..i cancelled my exam..once again!!

this sucks!
usres .what's your mail id?

owl: where is your college stuck at? i agree with 2177..throw some cash in to speed up the process...also dont let it bother you...tell yourself i will give only 30 mins to this mess everyday in calling and stuff..and then forget about it the rest of the day!!

carpediem: thanks for your support..
read mixture of patho ( muscculo, reprod, platelet disordes ) have to do left over immuno explanations which r pending from yesterday

got severe back pain . tried standing & reading but still not relieving .

ok now where r u all now ??

@owlcity & dr_raw i know u both r upset but dont let it waste ur time as the more prolonged its get more worse ..

@drraw: id is usres12
Hey drraw,dnt feel bad.U thought uwere ready but nw u think u need more just chill ,if u want take a day off and then start studying fresh again.
@all: jus fin a block.
@usmle2177: I thought this is my 2nd time so will def do faster.I dnt kno hw fast though.
took the package of uw n uwsa.
Just finished a block,nw will read oncorrect ones..

i just called ECFMG and they said my college only needs to log in into the ecfmg we portal and just verify my degree .. its just a click that i m waiting . ths is so frustrating .. they said the transcripts and other papers can wait ,, untill then they wont register me ..

so finally i wrote an email to my dean .. hope it helps .. i ve been asking a fren of mine.. but looks like she doesnt know how to handle the money part .. i told that i d pay the money too but she said the clerk was new .. the old one was real easy .. just go , pay him and its done .. this one doesnt take money she says ,, but i m sure theres an easy way to pay him .. have to search for a guy to do it . they know much better how to do that kinda stuff .. worst thing is i cut off my contacts with all my frens back home cos everyone use to keep asking me wat i am doing and that was so painful and embarassing too ..

i wish i had done this way before .. i know i might nowt be prepared in time .. but this kind of keeps giving me the creeps and disturbs my mental flow all the times .. i get so mad at myself why i didnt do it when i had lots of time ,, really procastination is so bad ,,

dont let this put u off like usmle 2177 is saying .. am trying to put myself into tract .. u know when i gave my state med entrance .. the exam got postponed 3 time .. for one mnth each .. and i think that really helped .. cos when evr it got cancelled , i knew i had only one mnth left so couldnt waste time .. and thrice means i went thru all the stuff 3 times and that really helped ..

do u ve to pay extra for uwsa .. how do u take it ..
i dont want my husband to know i m giving it .. cos i dont want to dissapoint him .. ( but entering the credit card no means its gonna come in the bill..and he ll come to know of it ..and that ll be worse i guess ..


why dont u get a back heat pack ..its called "the original bed buddy) back wrap .. i got it fm amazon, cant remember the price but it wasnt that expensive , but it helps and its microwavable , so takes only 2 min to heat up . i used a lots of the painreleiving balms an ointment cos i was afraid to take pain killers .. now i ve got real bad allergy with those balm smells .(menthol basically)and i cant use them either (even those icy pack stickings , they get itchy now). now left with heat packs only..and gym..

yest i wasted a lot of time googling on heat packs .. home remedies,oils for backache .. natural insomnia t/t .. am gonna try all those stupid stuffs .. m y husband says i m crazy .. anyone says or writes anything .. u just start beleiving .. he says , If there were no women in this world .. then all the bussines in this world will fail .. cos its very easy to lure women into buying things and women are the only ones who are so crazy about shopping . .. and guys bother at all .. like doc goljan said .. if u hurt ur finger and u clean it with a toliet paper .. that proves u are a guy .. if u use band aid then u are girl .. lol!!

hey guys now post lunch starting with viruses,..yes viruses...wil update when im done with them!

owl: seriously dont care what others think...its not easy to come to a different country, settle yourself..make yourself oriented the way things are done here...we in india studied in a different pattern than what we are gonna go thru here...dont give a F@@@ what other people think..its your life so let them think whatever!!find a boy who is near your college wud be a classmate...get things done...or if u know someone in the an HOD or something..that always and power baby!!

2177...uh oh back problems are bad..u start exercising..take frequent breaks...i twisted my whole back and it is still not better...

usres: you've got mail!
hi guys i took a hot bath & my back pain is gone . will continue with uw immuno now .

@usres12 sorry , i thought u are in your 1st rd.
@owlcity i did the same thing about friends bcos of the same feelings. my family tells me everyone is busy in there own life & has there own issues that no one really cares about others whereabouts .but still a part of me cant socialize until atleast i complete these exams
hello every one

its 1pm and will start no ,,i waked up late and talked to my mom and lastly coming to my room for studing ...........

@dr raw ,,,,time doesnt matter honey and its better to delay if u dont confident with it ,,becouse whenever u passed this exame with low degree ,,u willnot be able to take it again ,,,so use this days for memorization ,,its the best thing to change ur performance ...
i hope u the best and i wish u get what u want .......

@fatemeh ,,where u have been lady ???

@owlcity ,,@2177 @use12r @carpediem ......every one doing greate,,,happy studing
dnt with explan of the block.
Will start another one after a break