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@owlcity: yeah u r right abt does speed up the more q's u do on a topic, am stuck with biochem too
good morn every one ..

rise and shine
todays mission.. 40 qs uw with explanations

ya .. maybe we can set our goal together and push each other .. how many days r u giving for pharm .. are u going to do uw pharm first time .. i gonna do it 1st time .. its got about 350 qs which i f ido atleast 50 per day will take me around 7 days .. ( and i dont know if i can keep that pace .. ) plus i plan to give some 7-8 ds for the kap notes first .. .. all these was supposed to be over by dec 30 .. buti lost more than a wk this mnth ,,, some 4 ds for the forms ..and lots of docs appointment ..


i can understand exactly what u feel .. cos thats exactly how i feel .. no frens .. no social life ..tried socialising with my husbands frens but now i dont want to meet any of them , they too keep asking about exams .. not cos they want to bug .. but just casually .. but i ve no answer ,, my husbands best fren s wedding is comin up .. and i m so terrorised .. he has a sist who s doing neurology in standford and is super intelligent .. the more reason for me not wanting to go .. maybe i can try making some contacts ..

ilooked for some volunteering in a hosp nearby but all they had was silly things like carrying coffee for pts and reading books to them .. and i thought it was better not to waste time on them .. last yr i met an indian ophthalmologist in wills eye centre in philly , and h said get good scores first .. thought of applying for a research fellowship here but iget sick most of the time and i was so slow in my speed that i finally decided to just sit and study ..
as for the gym i have not been able to hit it since 8-9 ds .. went yest .. cos my whole body started creaking frm sitting too long ..

happy holidays to all Smile

@owlcity: yes will be doing pharm for 1st time, for me it's hard to do even 1 block/day cuz i write down detailed explanations & before doing pharm, i wanna do all the pharm sections in FA so that will take some time as well. i wanna finish biochem 1st so i didnt set any particular amount of days for pharm yet. biochem is taking me alot longer than i thought it would.
good evening ,,,and merry chrismas guys

i hope u all have happy holidays**********

my book all are closed and willnot open till monday but i will read ur post here ,,,i think its

bad time for studing ......

study guys who are realy close to exame dont waste time .........
merry christmas to everyone ..

i finished 50 uw qs today .. have 30 more to go .. had hoped to finish everything by today .. but i still ve 30 more to go .. anyway i m leaving it .. will start pharm tom.. and do 5 uwqs of biochem everyday ..

good nite guys
Merry Christmas Smile everyone
merry christmas every one
hope santa clause is bringing us some good scores for next yr

starting pharm today with remaining uw qs of biochem
hi guys

Merry Christmas....
good morn guys

finished biochem totally t last .. started pharm but did only 6pg yest
today s target --50 pgs

guys i m just freaking.. tensed whole day .. slept at 2 yest .. and woke up at 7.. my alarm inside my head is killing me .. hope i dont ve a nervous breakdown near my exam

how do u manage ur self ..i mean u ve already taken ur date .. do u feel the same ..

anyway happy studying to all
good morning every one

iam back to studing and still on renal physio ...........

@owlcity ...happy for u ,,u finished biochemistery .......

@all of u guys ,,how was study this holiday ???