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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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@everybody..Hi guys I,m looking this pages reading the notes..but don't know why I can't write any thing..I think I am depress right now./and finally wanted to write something..I am tired of physio but still remaining....might be better change a subject and go for chemistry....

tonight I want continue physio until tonight and tonight will be last night for physio..this subject Killing me and I was really bad student in this subject...hope to will be better for chemistry.....

Happy studing guysss..reaaly appreciate that for keeping updating....
ooh guys was suffering from reflux over weekend & wasnt feeling good, then yest night i had that gnawing pain, classic symptoms of an ulcer. all this 1st time in my life, never really had this before. maybe from the stress of exam + marriage together...haha. really need to finish this exam before my health gets worse. took a ppi.

@raw: yeah unlucky 13.

@sunshine: i really dont set an alarm but i think u have to be extremely focused when studying for this exam. n have a goal everyday & try n meet that goal.
Carpi when do u plan to take NBME ? Mine will be this month

gonna do pharm uw q's & explanations....sooo slooowww....

@owl: we all have mental status abnormalities at some point or other during prep. u r funny! Big Grin
maybe if someone starts a business just on how to handle stress during these exams, they might make alot of money. haha..

@2177: my goal this month is to do the lower nbme's. have a lot to cover & my studying has been sooo slow & irregular. there's alot of material i need to cover 1st. i wanna go over FA + UW notes once fully before taking an nbme. in a way, i've done FA i guess atleast once when i was doing UW q's but in bits & pieces so really unorganized. if i open my FA, everything is hilighted/has notes but haven't gone through it all at one time yet.

@fatemeh: physio is a tough subject. if u r tired of physio, change the subject. ur reading efficiency will pick up n u'll be more interested too. we all go thru or have gone thru depression...cheer up.
@owl which organisms cause IgA proteus ? While I read it found a mneumonic & remembered u , I will tell u later
All of u can also ans ...

@carpi while I was reading what u typed about FA highlight , notes, bits here & there ect I saw a mirror image of myself

Do u mean IgA protease .. its SHiN—strep ,hemophilus and niseria .

@0wl very good !!!! Hope this quizz brought ur confidence back .
I was googling IgA protease as I forgot about it & didn't bring kln so then with explanation they gave this mneumonic .... Nice strip of ham ... N for neis, s for strep h for h. Influenza

I heard that mneumonic u typed some where ... Is it in FA ? Let me check..

Sorry for spelling mistakes my iPhone is giving options of letters while I type & didn't notice it typed wrong

I'm in car going home from lib
yup its in fa as well as in kap .. u add bacillus to SHiN and u get the grp of org for natural transformation.. i know it happens when u type on an iphone .. but i thiink u can change the option ..

ok .. tell me the oxidase + ones ??
finished repro fa path .. going thru gljan now ..
Pseudomonouse is oxidase positive a d some others i dont know