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good morning guys ,

had a nice sleep .. was lazying in for a long time .. anyway feeling real fresh now ..

continuing my qs ..
guys .. q for anyone

wats the 1st line and 2nd line for acute gouty arthritis.. is it NSAIDS and Colchicine respectively ..

had a doubt
just wanted to confirm .. inhaled steroid is for prevention of acute asthma attacks , not for acute attack t/t ..

what about systemic steroid .. is it for prophylaxis or for acute attack t/t management
or is it like high dose is used for acute exacerbation and low does for prophylaxis .. cos FA says steroids are 1st line for chronic asthma
hey owlcity...

1) inhaled corticosteroids: only used in PREVENTION of acute exacerbation of asthma and in PREVENTION of chronic asthma (as anti inflammatory agent)

2) systemic corticosteroids: only HIGH DOSES given in TREATMENT of acute asthma EXACERBATION (not used in prevention for neither acute or chronic asthma)

thanks dear .. was getting all confused .. just wanted to confirm it ..

finished my pulm and ms sk at last .. was supposed to finish this mon .. wishfull thinking
hi where is everyone..done with 20 questions.. did u finish pulmonary so quickly...was this your second round? if yes..then how long does it take to repeat the blocks..and do u read explanations or quickly skim thru it or just only attempt the questions??
hey all , i finished revising some drugs & also did 1 block of quest . i am not feeling that satisfied & have to memorize alot rather then rushing to do quest so will postpone taking nbme to 2nd week feb & also today not feeling well all signs of getting sick which is the last thing i need at this time so will take medication to prevent it from coming

what happened to everyone today ... no updating ??

also take care of ur health guys !!
good afternoon friends

today i start late ,,i cooked and eat my lunch with my husband ,,,now

he went to work and i want go to library tody ,,,its my first time going to library and will see

how it works for me today i should finish physio .............

@owl....... thanks @usmle2177...thats a good time for studing

@step1race ....your better now????
u know the best thing i felt in the lib was motivation .. old young .. whoever .. u see everyone studying .. except for some idiots .. i met about 6-7 prep for mle but all of them were at diff stages ..

@dr raw

no this is my first round in pharm .. i didnt do it so quickly .. i started day before yest .. wasted half the day yest discussing with my fren , she doing a live course .. she had some break so she was updating the high yeid stuff she got fm there.. but i think it wasnt a great deal diff .. eve i wasted time cooking and cleaning .. oh by the way my husband peeked in when i was updating .. and he said .. this looks like a girls room .. i laughed and asked .. how do u know .. and he s like .. i just know it ..

today i ve been a bad girl .. i ve been dying to peek into face book after a yr .. so i just peeked in anf wasted an hr there .. so i deactivated it again ,,

starting dermat and hemat ..

@step race .. how are u now ..
Now iam at took me 45 min .......

My driver license was in my husbands car and i went there and bring it back ...lolll then drve....

I am going out by myself so iam little scared ...iam always with my husband and not driving alott

Becuse whenever i drive he is telling me why did u that and that and we end with fight.....

Oh ....let me start now.......
@ vena i was wondering how u where with ur headache when there was no response from u this morning . regarding the car incident i think it is common among married couples . my husband questions me also when im driving though i am use to driving .

@all im doing mixture of the incorrect quest of uw ( genitourinry , micro, hepatobiliary ) . i was good at them now lost so felt sad, frustrated .

why no one is updating ? & also 1 quest when r u all aiming to give exam ? i am aiming for march .
i hope we all continue to stay like this for all the exams so we r motivated & finish the fast .