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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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whoops ... got it wrong ! but i dont feel sad cause i didnt read micro
i lost many many hour today again after another long break iam back ,,,i should finish neuro tonight ,,,noway for tomorrow ...............
dear mutation i wish what u say comes true for all of us!! i have been struggling with my nbme's lately so started doing dit..let's see how it goes... Sad Sad i can't extend my eligibility cos I've already extended it... SadSad

ok guys done with reproductive, now have to do resp. pharm & neuro still. will be up tonite to get in more hours. who's gonna be up tonite? i'm actually 2 hrs behind EST. just wanted to say each & everyone of u on this thread is awesome. i feel blessed to have positive, encouraging ppl around me Smile

@mutation: yes fa but i am doing a bit of path along with pharm in between. i'm dreading doing cns drugs. how did u come up with ur name btw? Smile

@2177: no nbme yet. wanna do one soon though (1-4) yah every one of these exams is stressful. u do feel a bit more confident that u can do it once u've passed 1 or 2 exams but u will be just as confident. i took my cs in philly cuz i'm from philly & it was just convenient. i dunno if it's "anti-img" i have known ppl born n raised in india, went to med school there pass. but i think in houston, they r more used to seeing img's so that might help. u said u were raised here like me so they wouldn't know u r an img cuz u wont have an accent. the more calm u act, the more easier it will be. most ppl r nervous & if u dont let it show too much, they wont pick on u. most of my sp's were pretty nice i think except 1 or 2. and anyway u r in new orleans so houston would be closer for u.
ok out for the oscars Big Grin
time flies so fast .. havent touched my book for the last 1 hr .. starting anti cancer dgs .. just an hr left .. and then gn ,,

@mutation: i wanna finish resp pharm so i can start cns pharm

@vena: will be up tonite incase u need company!

@owl: yah time does fly
@vena86: Good luck tonight! Try your best to make up for the lost hours, and if it's hard to stay up, this forum will be a good help. I'll be up for awhile too it seems like.

@dr_raw: I am sure you can pull it off! A month is a long time if you think about it, just plan your schedule properly and do everything you can to stick to it! You know your material, just a matter of actually sitting down and doing the last bit to tie everything together!

@carpediem1: Yea, CNS drugs are a killer, I keep forgetting them. I need to go over those too. What are you using to study for pharm? Just letting you know that people that I spoke to that sat for the exam mentioned that pharm on FA wasn't enough. Just a heads up!
Just finished a block of resp questions, going to review and then another block.
me also just started watching oscars & will also study along with watching it