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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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GM friends

its 11 am and starting now ..... ...most common type of cancer in renal is primary not 2ndry and its rena adenocarcinoma...wich secret PTH and EPO ....when ever u see a mass in the kidney of an adult its most probably adenocarcinoma .......while in kid >>wilms tumor

did only 15 qs explan of uw and only 6 pgs of fa

i m so slow .. at this rate i feel like i m gonna take a mnth for fa ..guys pls suggest something .. dr raw , how many ds did it take for u ..
hey I am done with reviw of 20 QS in UW and aiming to do 2 blocks it is 9 pm here come on guys lets push it to the limit
dr future

which time zone are u in .. its 2 pm here..
@owl ....before i touch first aid ,,iam scared of it ,,i dont know why ,,,,howmany day it takes when u do it for first time ????
god knows vena

i only pray i can do in 10 ds ..
Woww...@.owl if u can do it in 10 day it will be greate ,,,
u realy make me try harder ,,when i see puting down a goal like that it encourages me to do it faster ....for patho i put a goal down and iam at the end ot it and iam happy about it ,,,this was becouse of u too ...
i need one more answer from u many days i should spend on anatomy and behavioral science???
done with one UW block now will have a 10 min brake then back to review the 10 wrong questions
guys im lost again today...

just signed up for dit..hopefully it can get me by.....

owl : i told u before..dont underestimate FA...for me i couldn't do more than 30 pages a day..on some good days maybe during my 1st nbme i didn't finish FA completely...cos it was just taking too long (like the whole general section was left)... after nbme i revised rest of it and then did UW. then 2nd read was a little quicker and when i did 2nd nbme i was left with just 50-60 pages and it took me almost 11 days...but the thing is..what i read on day 1 was out of my head on day 12 when i sat for nbme...

now during my 3rd read...i got highly frustrated whatever was my weak area or i couldn't remember especially drugs and some syndromes..i started making flashcards and now i read 10-20 flashcards eveyday..and my 3rd read is goin much quicker but i lost 2 days under depression and now..i give up!!

its my birthday tomorrow so i'll just do few questions and from 15th i''ll start dit
vena: honest advice..start lookin up into your FA now..may be a few pages just to be familiar with it..i would have done that in my begining stage if i only knew!