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Full Version: My prep for the day !! - usres12
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@owlcity ...thanks for ur response but realy i dont know anything about that clerkship and observership things and didnt ask any one till now ,,only thing i know is preparing for steps
when i finish them may read something about it,, did u have any idea ...i have pdf of FA but didnt read it till now ,,iam waiting for my 2012 FA(preordered at amazone )...
.good luck all

thanks a lot .. i think i was too busy thinking about methiomine that i completely forgot about homocystine methyl transferase.. i forgot SAM has many other reaction to donate its methyl grp other than the homocytine pathway ..

the above things i wrote .. are fm uw .. which i got quite confused .. theres quite a lot qs about rec and their 2nd messengers
hey everyone,

i did 36 UW questions, then i took a break. now im back and will do explanations and looks like that's gonna be it for today as i will not be able to study in the evening. i would REALLY hope to read some FA later tonight, lets hope i can do it.
hi all...struggling with explanations today..but will try and do as studying tommorrow all time for friends and family for christmas... kidding...u are close by to me...maybe we can meet someday..u know coming here i really miss my friends back home in india ..would love to make new friends here....anyone else is welcome who is nearby...

@classymd, fatemeh, welcome to the thread Smile

@vena: i think for plastic surgery u need a high score in all the steps... was your b'day Smile

take care guys...
@owlcity...i think u need to make contacts if u want externships in us and also there are paid ones too...but i don't have much idea yet as i wanna be done with steps first but yeah whenever i'll come to know more i'll share it on the thread

hey thats great ..we can sure meet up .. after this ugly depressive winter is over and this horr ible step one is over .. and yup it ll be spring again .. can wit for spring to come and this exam to get over .. hope i get some decent score that i can afford to feel good about next yr ..

i know they have paid ones but i dont know if they give any LOR for that cos i was looking up for it .. well i was just looking out for such things cos last time i didnt plan anything and ended up so long stuck in step one .. so i just dont wanna do the same thing .. so just wanted to keep my eyes open about things that u need to be aware of .. but for now i know we just have to concentrate here ..

@every one .. how are you guys studying ..
i just did 30 qs with explanations and another 30 qs without explanations .. but i am doing so bad that i closed it down .. feeling really blue .. am so scared if i can even give my march .. my plan s been shifting fm now to dec to jan to feb .. hope i ll be in good shape at least by feb ..

good nite guys ..

@owlcity: r u done with biochem & doing pharm now? how long did it take to do 30 q's with explanations?


no i m still stuck with it ,, plan to finish tom have about 40 qs left .. took some time in the morn but it kind of speeded up by eve .. .. doing the same topics over and over kind of speeds up .. i was doing hemat today .. and did pretty bad .. so i closed down .. will do the explanation s tom ..

what are u doing now ..
Hey guys

Just did around 20 questions today.. My hubby got down with fever so spent time with him.. Tried to cook and came out with a terrible not sleepy so maybe will do a few late night questions!!

@ owlcity.. I can't wait for steps to be over too.. Thought il be done by December and here I am thinking it will be done by jan..Its just hard to gain the speed of studying here like I had in medical school!! Maybe it was the feeling that other friends are studying too.. It was the environment.. The pressure of tests and the will to outshine yourself.. All of that lacks now .. Moreover for me when I moved here everything was different and not to have that social life like I used too has seriously affected me.. Am thinking of joining some volunteer work of some sort and to join some sort of class at the gym ( especially with the back situation) will help.. That's why I asked if anyone wants to make a group and maybe meet here and there to jut give each other motivation and to feel that u r not alone!!

@owlcity: am doing biochem 1st time uw q's, same as u. then will do pharm...i think we have a similar schedule.