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my husband always sends me some email ..
just forwarding this ..

just scan it ..
thanks for supporting guys...
the thing is i was supposed to give exam in november last year..then i finally couraged upto feb10 and seems like i will have to again extend as i still need to work a lot...
my own parents when i talk to them on the phone get a little upset when i tel them that i extended the date..they just think im less confident..they are docs but they dont know how usmle works..rght...and no all friends and family in US keep asking are u done ..or how did ur exam went...and i feel like a complete husband and inlaws really understand but i wonder for how long ..there is a limit to everything and that really worries i always pick a date under that pressure of being done with it so no one goes mad or nything or questions my education...i have worked really hard for the past 6 years in medschool was always an A student..and i came here and feel like everything is shattered!! feel like im so dumb..

i have no f**** anyone to tell me how to go for this exam...only if i knew to do questions from the beginning i wud have been ready...feel like i wasted so much time..really frustrated!!
hey guys i ve been a bad girl ..studide only 2 hrs since morn .. went for a walk again .. cold but tolerable .. i love winters for studying .. summer and spring are full of distractions .. better finish my exams before it starts

its 11;45 ,,now sitting to study .......

@owlcity .....thanks hun yes i did good yesterday ,,,,and see what happen today .......ur

mail looking good ,,i just read small part but i will read it later....

@dr-raw.....i know what u mean by parent talk and family ,,,,they dont understand ,,,just

try to be confident before going to exame ,,dont care about anyones word ....

@2177...yes yesterday was good ,,u know why??becouse my husband was at

work ,,tomorrow he will be at home and there will be so many distractions ........
i ve done only 8 pgs till now .. i was finding it very slow just reading the book so i went back to videos and that put me off to sleep .. slept for an hr.. had a tea break .. starting again . hope its gonna be faster now ... nothing was going into my head in the morn .. i hate this FP/FN/TNTP bla blah .. dont know , last time i did it i found it really easy .. this time its not going into my head at all ..
where is everyone? im trying to get back on track!! am thinkin of cancelling my date..but i'll still hold on to it until next week and give another just finishing form 5 remaining two blocks and biostat review!! am so bad at that!!

i have also decided to change my routine..will go to the gym everyday..even when it takes an hour away .. and will go to library or coffee place but not stay home..its makin my brain dull!!
@vena lol...distracted by husband on husband tries and runs all the errands during the weekend so he stays out of my way..i feel bad but that's how he helps!!
hi guys had some time do some quest . completed immuno quest but was sleepy when doing them & had to stop like three times cause got interruptions. dont know what will do next as again have some other work , but i think will revise

i think its a good idea to go to gym .. morning i m so drowsy lazy and slow , so i just go and walk, run for 10 min .. do some other small work out .. or sometimes o go in the eve at around 6.. my brain stops at that time .. i kind of gives me a kick after i go to the gym no mater how tired i am after my studies ..when is the last date away fm ur date that u can cancell ur date ,, one wk ..?? i dont ve an idea .. also can u pls tell me wat it means when u say 440/220 or something like that in the nbme scores ,,
i m scared to take coffee .. it makes my heart burn and insomnia real bad ..
ican understand how u feel about ur poor hubby, i feel the same and my biggest fear is if i dont get good scores , i just wont be able to face him, after all that he did for me ..

@vena ..
why dont u try going to the lib .. i use to do that in summer , cos i used to get disturbed when he s around .. nowadays he keeps studying and listening to videos regarding his job , sometimes more sincerrely than me .. makes me feel ashamed of my self, i was just reading dr-raws mail , and i was laughing with my husb ,remembering old days .. i use to give him a list .. which he calls "Honey-Do-List".. sometimes he get confused ,, calls me atleast 10 times when he goes for groceries .. now he s an expert ,, if i asked for something .. he used to get like 3-4 of those ,in diff varieties .. cos he was confused which one to get ..(says he's afraid i ll scold him.. lol!!
it ll to make me real mad.. i didnt know wat to do with all those stuffs .. now we just laugh it off .. and i tell him , if u get confused .. just dont get it .. i stictly write in the list " do not get this ,(for things i already ve ,or dont want)!!

good to see u are trying hard .. am so bored today .. stats is driving me nuts as well as bored .. so i m taking a break .. watching movie today .. dont know why i suddenly cooled down so muchh.. a few wks back i coulnt even sleep .. maybe realising that i cant give my exams for the next 2 mnts ( cos of the aplication prob) has suddenly made me cool , i was planning for feb ,

i know that attitude is not good, so i ll start sincerely fm tom.. and i know i m gonna be frustrated with myself tom.. keep studying ,,