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how is imuno in fa , shd i keep kap along with it or just do fa exclusively ..
@owl immuno in fa has everything we need to know but the thing is it complicates the knowledge we already know. i read kaplan chapter summery along with fa regarding a quest it makes it easy.
i read immuno fa alot of times but couldnt remember but then last month read kaplan & now everything makes sense.
now i just try to recollect in my mind the whole process of immunology & if lack some areas i open kaplan summary & patch back my memory . ( i was surprised shigatox had the same way of visual memorizing as me )

ya visual memoring is really good .. i always use that and find it helps so much .. better than even the best mneumonics .. oh his score is so awesome .. i felt so motivated yest .. feel like i can do it too .. but funny thing is , i m still scared to give my first nbme ..

i ll scan both kap and fa and plan out wat i need to do ..
guys its 8:40 am & till now i didnt read anything i feel like i wasted today. bcos i wake up at 5:30am i feel like this . last night got headache so now again plus wasted time on form & breakfast . will start now .
hey owl..this is what i did..i scanned thru kaplan immuno...and wrote page numbers of kaplan notes where i needed to see maybe a diagram or some concept on the corresponding topic in FA....that way next time when i revise i would have my kaplan with my FA but i wont go thru the whole kaplan book..i would read FA and go to kaplan pages where i direct myself to go so i dont waste time...and now in my 3rd read..i could visualize the diagram in kaplan before even opening it..hope it helps

2177: forum can be addicting esp on wednesays and
thanks raw .. i ll try to do that ..
GM every one

i did finished patho audio finally but thereis something in CNS last pages of rrp book that didnt mentioned in audio i will do them today and tomorrow will start something ne and i dont what will be ......

@every one many days i should spend on anatomy??????

guys shigatox got realy agood score ....i hope all of us get 250 ++,,,wow
hi guys,
nice to see u all,today i'm reading goljan: resp sys with audio +1block uw
@everyone :how do u read fa, i find it difficult to finish few pages even after sitting for hours,
how many pages do u pple read everday along with kaplan n uw?
had lunch .. moving on with fa imuno ..
@drrabbit fa takes time but try to recollect what u know so it will moves fast. did u finish uw once ? when do u plan to give ur exam ?